Introducing an exquisite 7.5-inch Bucha image of the revered ‘Somdej Jao Pako Samee Ram’ Pra Luang Por Tuad, standing majestically in the Tudong posture, adorned with his distinctive ‘Glod’ umbrella. This stunning replica is a part of the original highest standing Luang Por Tuad statue, meticulously crafted and housed at the esteemed Wat Mae Takrai, in the Northern Thai Province of Chiang Mai.

LP Tuad Bucha statue front

Below; Blessing ceremony of LP Tuad Bucha statue and amulets, at Wat Mae Takrai

Blessing ceremony of LP Tuad Bucha statue and amulets, at Wat Mae Takrai

Accompanying this exceptional statue is a series of small romboid-shaped coin amulets, available in a variety of sacred metals, hailing from the ‘Run Sompote’ or ‘Sompochana’ edition. These amulets, along with the Luang Por Tuad statue, were simultaneously released at Wat Mae Takrai, further emphasizing the sacred connection between them.

LP Tuad Bucha statue rear side Wat Mae Takrai

The base of the statue proudly showcases a Luang Por Tuad Coin, a part of the same ‘Run Sompote’ or ‘Sompochana’ edition, nestled within its sacred powder base. Expertly crafted from smelted sacred brass and bronze alchemical alloys, the statue is then coated in a sleek, matt black finish, enhancing its allure and mysterious charm.

Luang Por Tuad is depicted carrying his signature Glod, an almsbowl, and using a Naga head walking staff, symbolizing his spiritual journey and devotion. This masterpiece is not only a collector’s dream but also a deeply spiritual artifact that embodies the essence of Luang Por Tuad’s teachings and legacy.


Presenting the Prakam 108 Na Sethee, a powerful hand-held rosary crafted with care and dedication. This small rosary, made with sacred Nuea Pong Puttakun Yantra Powders and coated in herbal resins, is a testament to the expertise of Luang Phu Na Chinawangso. This rosary is an embodiment of multifaceted practice, i.e. meditation, chanting prayers, spellcasting, and development of one pointed focus, precepts, and good karma. The rosary was released  as part of the Na Sethee Run Raek Run Sud Taay first and last edition series. The Mala Rosary has 108 Beads as is traditional in Buddhism.

Prakam 108 Na Sethee

Luang Phu Na Chinawangso skillfully crafted these powders using an ancient Wicha for Maha Pokasap, Metta, and Maha Lap Magic. These powders are not only known for their positive effects, but they also possess Serm Duang and Maha Lap qualities. This rosary acts as a shield against malevolent forces and aids in Klaew Klaad evasion. Its protective energy promotes well-being and repels negativity.

Sacred Powder Rosary

Designed for ease of use and meditation practice, the hand-held Prakam Rosary is a versatile tool. It provides protection against harm and is suitable for Lersi, Chanting practitioners, Bhikkhus, Yogis, Meditators, and Devotees alike. The central hub of the rosary features the sacred Na Sethee Millionaire Yantra, while the intricate red Daay Daeng Akom cords ensure its authenticity.

Learn more about Thai Lanna Sorcery.

Na Sethee Yantra

Enhance your experience with the Prakam Rosary by practicing the Kata Na Sethee for Wealthiness. Begin by chanting the Maha Namasakara three times:

Namō Dtassa Pakawadtō Arahadtō Sammā Samputtassa
Namō Dtassa Pakawadtō Arahadtō Sammā Samputtassa
Namō Dtassa Pakawadtō Arahadtō Sammā Samputtassa

Next, chant the empowering incantation three times:


Luang Phu Kroo Ba Na

Dive deep into meditation by focusing on the Prakam beads, visualizing each bead as a radiant, crystalline light. Cultivate this imagery, allowing the light to expand within your mind’s eye. If you attain Jhanic Absorption Access, dedicate your newfound enlightenment to your loved ones and all beings. Empower your wishes with these meditative attainments, creating a profound connection with the Prakam Na Sethee.

Meditation Practice

This versatile rosary aids in precise counting and focus during specific occult rituals. Its protective properties extend beyond rituals, offering a shield against black magic and maintaining health. Carry it with you as a potent amulet, invoking the power of Luang Phu Na Chinawangso and his lineage of Master Sorcerers.

Rosary Amulet

Luang Phu Na Chinawangso was a dedicated student of Kroo Ba Srivichai and inherited the Master Lineage Sorcery of Kroo Ba Apichai Khaw.

The final edition of this rosary, released in 2561 BE, carries the blessings of Luang Phu Na. Its auspicious empowerment aligns with the passing of Kroo Ba Na. Remarkably, the edition’s name, ‘Na Sethee Run Raek Lae Run Sud Taay’ (first and last edition), seems to foreshadow the end of an era. This rosary stands as a testament to his legacy.

Luang Phu Kroo Ba Na

Harness the Prakam rosary’s protective and meditative properties. Its energy shields against black magic and psychic interference, allowing for focused meditation. Wear or carry it to invoke Buddhanussati remembrance and safeguard against negative influences.

Kata Aaraatanaa Pra Krueang

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Prakam Rosary

A Buddhist mala, also known as a Buddhist rosary, is a string of beads used for counting prayers, mantras, or breaths during meditation and spiritual practices. The mala is an essential tool in various Buddhist traditions, particularly in Tibetan and Zen Buddhism. While malas can come in different sizes and configurations, the 108-bead mala is one of the most common and significant designs.

Here’s what you need to know about the 108-bead Buddhist mala:

  1. Number 108: The number 108 is considered sacred and significant in many Eastern spiritual and religious traditions, including Buddhism. It is believed to represent various aspects of the universe, such as the 108 stages of the journey to enlightenment or the 108 defilements to overcome. There are also mathematical and astronomical reasons for the significance of 108.
  2. Beads and Materials: A traditional 108-bead mala is usually made of beads, often of wood, seeds, or gemstones. The choice of material can vary based on personal preference or the specific intentions of the practitioner. Each bead on the mala is used to count recitations of a chosen mantra or prayer.
  3. Guru Bead: In addition to the 108 counting beads, a mala often has a larger bead or pendant called the “guru bead.” This bead marks the starting and ending point of the mala and is not counted among the 108 beads. It symbolizes the guidance of the guru or spiritual teacher.
  4. Counting Method: Practitioners hold the mala in one hand and use their thumb to move from one bead to the next after each recitation of a mantra or prayer. The index finger is not used, as it symbolizes ego, which should be transcended during meditation.
  5. Mantras and Meditation: The primary purpose of a mala is to aid in meditation and mantra recitation. As the practitioner moves through each bead, they repeat their chosen mantra or prayer. The repetitive action of counting and reciting helps to focus the mind and cultivate a sense of mindfulness and concentration.
  6. Energetic and Spiritual Significance: Malas are believed to carry spiritual and energetic qualities based on the materials used. Different gemstones or seeds are associated with specific intentions or qualities, such as compassion, wisdom, or healing. The mala can become a personal talisman or a tool for enhancing one’s spiritual journey.
  7. Personalization: While the 108-bead mala is the most common design, there are variations, such as wrist malas with fewer beads, as well as longer malas with additional counters for larger numbers of repetitions. Some practitioners also create custom malas with specific intentions, choosing beads that resonate with their personal spiritual goals.

Sacred Rosary

It’s important to note that the use of a mala is deeply personal and can vary based on individual practice and tradition. Whether for meditation, mantra recitation, or as a symbol of one’s spiritual journey, the 108-bead Buddhist mala holds a special place in Buddhist practice and is cherished by practitioners around the world.

The Meaning of 108

Within the context of Buddhism, the numerical value of 108 holds significance as it establishes a link to the fundamental principles of the dharma. In an intriguing geometric correlation, when considering the human form encapsulated within a circle, emblematic of Earth, a discernible connection is drawn: each of the internal angles of the five-pointed star thus formed amounts to 108 degrees.

Turning our attention inward, the construct of the heart chakra reveals a composition of precisely 108 distinct channels of energy known as nadis. Concurrently, the heart chakra features an arrangement of 108 pressure points, termed marmas, further underscoring the prevalence of this numerical motif within the somatic framework.

A physiological threshold of note emerges at 108 degrees Fahrenheit (108ᵒF), at which juncture a critical juncture is reached. Beyond this threshold, the delicate equilibrium governing our vital organs becomes perturbed, resulting in a cascade of overheating phenomena culminating in the cessation of organ functionality.

Expanding the purview to a cosmic context, an astronomical relation is evident in the parameter measuring the expanse between Earth and its solar counterpart, the sun. This interval is found to be precisely 108 times the diameter of the sun, thereby manifesting a harmonious linkage between macrocosm and microcosm.

In summation, the number 108 serves as a conduit, binding the individual to both the intrinsic self and the broader cosmological milieu, thereby facilitating a profound nexus between the individual’s innermost contemplations and the expansive tapestry of the external world.

Empowered Rosary

Luang Phu Tuad Bucha Statue

Luang Phu Tuad was a Great Monk of almost-forgotten history, through lack of written documentation, who holds legendary status in Thai Buddhist History, and is one of Thailand’s most internationally well known monks, so popular, that amulets in his image are found to be made by thousands of temples around the nation, regularly every year ever since the year 2497 BE when Ajarn Tim released the first ever edition of amulets in his image.

Luang Phu Tuad: The Miraculous Monk and the Power of His Sacred Amulets

Luang Por Tuad Wat Chang Hai

Luang Phu Tuad, also affectionately known as Luang Por Thuat, is a revered Buddhist monk whose extraordinary life and miraculous deeds have captured the hearts and minds of people across Thailand and beyond. For centuries, his legend has been preserved through oral traditions, and his fame continues to grow, particularly among Buddhist devotees and avid collectors of Thai Buddhist amulets, like the highly sought-after Pra Luang Por Tuad amulets. In this essay, we will delve into the awe-inspiring life of Luang Phu Tuad, exploring his remarkable journey, the significance of his sacred amulets, and the unwavering faith of his followers.


The Life of Luang Phu Tuad:

Luang Phu Tuad was born in Dee Luang sub-district, Sathing Phra district, Songkhla, Thailand, around four hundred years ago, during the reign of King Maha Tamaracha of Krung Sri Ayuttaya. Despite being born into extreme poverty, his compassionate and generous attitude shone through from a young age. His kindness and devotion to making merit were evident in his acts of generosity towards both Buddhist temples and the people around him. Luang Phu Tuad’s unwavering commitment to non-violence and respect for all living beings earned him the nickname “Luang Poo” or “Crab” in Thai.

From a young age, Luang Phu Tuad displayed miraculous powers, signifying his exceptional spiritual connection. His mother once found a giant snake wrapped around the hammock where the young Luang Phu Tuad was sleeping. Believing it to be an angelic sign, she offered puffed rice, flowers, and incense to the snake, and it departed, leaving a multicolored crystal glowing with radiant light on the baby’s chest. This crystal became a symbol of protection and prosperity for Luang Phu Tuad and his family.

At the age of seven, he was taken to Wat Gudti Luang to receive formal education. Luang Phu Tuad’s diligence and intelligence enabled him to quickly learn to read and write in Pali, the ancient Khmer script used for Buddhist texts. Later, he was ordained as a novice monk at the age of 15 and received the Mystic Crystal from his mother as a cherished possession.

His journey as a monk led him to study under revered teachers, including Somdej Pra Chinsaen at Wat See Hyong and Nakorn Sri Tammarat at Samnak Pra Mahatera Biya Tassee. Through dedicated practice and study, Luang Phu Tuad became a master of Dhamma and Pali language, earning him the title “Jao Sameeram” or “Luang Por Thuat.”

Pra Luang Por Tuad Wat Chang Hai

Miracles and Wonders:

The legend of Luang Phu Tuad’s miraculous powers spread like wildfire, and tales of his extraordinary feats were known in every Thai province. One of the most famous legends revolves around the Sri Langkan ruler’s attempt to conquer Ayuttaya, the Thai city. The ruler devised a unique challenge, requiring the translation of 84,000 gold coins, each inscribed with a letter from the Abhidhamma, within seven days. Failure to complete the task would lead to Ayuttaya’s fall under Sri Langkan rule.

Through divine intervention, Luang Phu Tuad appeared in the ruler’s dream, signifying his arrival and assistance. He miraculously completed the translation, even overcoming a minor obstacle caused by seven missing coins, revealing the profound knowledge of the Tripitaka hidden within each syllable. With his successful endeavor, Luang Phu Tuad saved Ayuttaya from the impending threat and earned the respect and gratitude of the people.

Another awe-inspiring miracle associated with Luang Phu Tuad revolves around his ability to transform seawater into fresh drinking water. When kidnapped by pirates, he simply dipped his foot into the sea, and the water surrounding him turned fresh. This act of compassion softened the hearts of the pirates, and they promptly released him, awestruck by his divine powers.

Luang Por Tuad Tao Reed Yai Famous Amulet

The Power of Luang Phu Tuad’s  Sacred Amulets:

Above; Luang Phu Tuad Pim Tao Reed Yai 1st Edition 2497 BE

Luang Phu Tuad’s sacred amulets, particularly the Pra Luang Por Tuad amulets, hold immense significance and are believed to possess great protective powers. Devotees in Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia trust these amulets to bring safety and ward off danger during distressing times. The first batch of Pra Luang Por Tuad amulets was created in 2497 BE (1954) and became highly revered for its historical importance. Later variations, such as the Hlang Tao Reed amulets, were produced and gained immense popularity.

Luang Phu Tuad Pim Tao Reed Yai

These sacred amulets are considered priceless and powerful, attracting avid collectors who seek to preserve their spiritual connection with Luang Phu Tuad. The amulets are meticulously crafted using a blend of herbs, powder, and other sacred materials, blessed by experienced monks. Collectors venerate older editions as well, considering them precious relics that bring prosperity, protection, and spiritual well-being.

Luang Phu Tuad statue in Lek Lai Kaya Siddhi Adamantine Substance

The legend of Luang Phu Tuad, the revered Buddhist monk who performed extraordinary miracles, continues to inspire faith and devotion among people worldwide. His remarkable journey, filled with acts of compassion and divine intervention, serves as an embodiment of spiritual enlightenment and selfless devotion to others. The sacred amulets, especially the Pra Luang Por Tuad amulets, are cherished by Buddhist devotees and collectors alike, serving as tangible symbols of protection and blessings.


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As we reflect on the life of Luang Phu Tuad, we find ourselves drawn to the profound teachings of Buddhism and the unwavering faith of his followers. The legacy of Luang Phu Tuad lives on through these tales, reminding us of the power of compassion, kindness, and the miraculous presence of spirituality in our lives. As we wear his sacred amulets, we carry with us the divine protection and the unyielding strength of Luang Phu Tuad, guiding us on our spiritual journey with his blessings and miracles.

Takrut Hua Jai Khun Phaen Luang Pu Sawad

The Takrut Hua Jai Khun Phaen of Luang Phu Sawad, is now in the year of writing (2563 B.E.), an amulet immense rarity to see from what we love to call the Golden Age of modern Thai Buddhist Amulets (2535-2555 BE was an especially special time with an immense fervor for the magic of Thai Buddhist sorcerer monks, which is now seeing a new generation of devotees and collectors from the millennial era entering this wonderful niche, who will not remember this era, where monks like Luang Phu Sawad were among the top internationally known and preferred names, and a time when there were much less amulet makers than we see today, with the explosion of interest in Thai Occultism, Sak Yant Thai Temple Tattoos and Thai Amulets.

Takrut Hua Jai Pra Khun Phaen

The Takrut Hua Jai Khun Phaen is a Wicha, which belongs to High Sorcery (Wizardry), which Luang Phu Sawad received from one of his various Ruesi Kroo Ba Ajarn Mentors in Magic. The spell came from a Laoatian Ruesi Hermit, whose Wicha has become that of the Higher Adept Grade.

The Takrut Hua Jai Khun Phaen of Luang Phu Sawad grew very popular back in 2552 after its release, with many ladies and gay persons believing strongly in their successes coming from the help of this amulet. It is very small and easy to conceal, but also looks very pretty when worn as an accessory too. Since then, time has told its tale, and the Takrut Hua Jai Khun Phaen has successfully entered the annals of history as an all time classic and powerful amulet that has been time-tried-and-tested for well over a decade.

Takrut Hua Jai Khun Phaen LP Sawad

This sometimes can also be the cause of interest and the approach of a stranger, with questions about your amulet (what is that?). The Takrut uses the Lanna ‘Wicha Pitsamorn’ which is traditionally applied in the North, using the triple Takrut foils to imbue with three major blessings, and complete the spell according to the Dtamra Saiyasart Lanna.
Local Devotees like to call Luang Phu SawadPor Phu Ruesi’. This is because before he was a Monk, he was a practicing Ruesi practicing in the depths of the forest, residing in caves in Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmmar (then Burma). He travelled all over the place, collecting Wicha from various other practitioners (both Monks and Ruesi) who he met and exchanged magical arts with them, and mastered a great number of magic spells. Luang Phu Sawad needs little preamble for many Buddhists in South East Asia, such as Singapore and Malaysia, who know this Master very well and revere his amulets since decades.

Luang Phu Sawad, of Wat Kaset Sukh, in Payao

During his early years of practice, Luang Phu remained in the forest until he became adept in both Wicha Akom (magical arts) and Vipassana Kammathana practice. Amulets that are powerful do not only come from knowledge of magical arts and ritual. The practitioner must also have developed mind powers to bestow the amulet with empowerment, normally meditation ability of the Jhanic level is required to empower amulets, and it is Vipassana Kammathana method which is one of the major causes the Jhanic power to arise in a practitioner.

Then one day he found a very old monk whose Baramee and purity was sufficient to be his Kroo, and he ordained. After his ordination, he asked to be able to wander on Tudong. As he travelled, the local Folk were filled with faith in Luang Phu and they gathered money together to buy some land for Luang Phu to build a Samnak Songk (small forest Sangha temple). Luang Phu then saw that the words of his Ruesi Kroo in the forest were true, and that he was destined to become a Gaeji Ajarn. So he began to develop the place he had been given, until one day, it had become the temple of Wat Kaset Sukh that is visited by devotees from all around the Country and Foreign shores too. The visitors who come to pay respects and beseech blessings from LP Sawad are increasing in numbers almost daily, as the word spreads about the various stories of people who used his amulets and saw very quick results according to what they were wishing for.

Takrut Hua Jai Khun Phaen Luang Phu Sawad

In the parlance of the Western world, the High Sorcerer dons the mantle of a Wizard—a parallel to the esteemed title of ‘Por Phu Ruesi’ bestowed upon Thai hermit sorcerers who wield profound powers. These luminaries transcend the necromantic forces of ‘Jom Khamang Waet,’ which rely upon the might of the deceased, instead harnessing their own psychic attainments to empower their craft. Por Phu Ruesi, officially known as ‘Luang Phu Sawad,’ unquestionably embodies the essence of a Lanna Wizard, wielding the profound magic of ancient times.

Luang Por Sawad Wat Kaset Sukh Payao

Suffice to say that LP Sawad has fulfilled both requirements to be able to be called an Adept practitioner. He stayed many years in the forest until one day his Kroo Ruesi teacher told him that he should go and ordain as a monk; ‘You can ordain already, you can be an Ajarn now’ he was told. So Luang Phu travelled up to the North to find an Upachaya monk who would be good enough to ordain him. LP Sawad would use his Jhanic powers to examine each monk, for he said that if the monk who ordained did not have enough Baramee (greatness and merit), then it could cause that Ajarn to become ill and have inauspicious Karma (referring to someone less realized Ordaining someone more realized).

Kata Bucha Takrut Hua Jai Khun Phaen Saen Sawat

Sunamolo Jidt-Dtang Pakinimae  Jidt-Dtang Bpuriso Na Ma Pa Ta

Chant and blow each time on the Takrut, each of the three times.

Luang Phu Sawad passed away on the 2nd Une 2014 (2557 BE), after building many improvements over the years at the temple, and extending the land by purchasing plots of land around the temple, to expand its facilities. Luang Phu was so diligent in this, that when the Looksit investigated the bank account of Luang Phu after his death, he was found to have only 50$ (1500 baht) in his personal possessio! This reflects what a selfless and non materialistic monk he was, despite having raised so many funds to develop the temple and many charitable public projects, he never used a penny of donations for even the tiniest personal benefit.

Below; Special Limited edition Look Om from the funeral ceremony of Luang Phu Sawad, released by Kroo Ba Dech

Kumarn Tong Kroo Ba Beng

The Kumarn Tong Song Krueang Ongk Kroo Pim Yai 2548 BE Fang Mukh Sord Takrut Ngern Koo – Nuea Dam Paint See – Early Era amulet, is a very rare sacred powder amulet with 3 seapearls, 2 silver takrut, and a Chin Aathan Mortal Remains (Ghost Bone piece) hidden inside. It was created by Kroo Ba Beng of Wat Tanode during the Kern Maa Horn ‘Night of the Howling Dogs’ in 2548 BE. The amulet features the Kumarn Tong Song Krueang, a princely child spirit of the Deva Realms holding a sack of gold. The Kumarn is painted by hand with colored robes and aura. The Muan Sarn Sacred Powders are made of various elements mixed with See Pheung Gern Ber Neung Waxy Potion and Nam Man Prai Phii Dtaay Hoeng Necromantic Oil.

Kumarn Tong Kruba Beng 2548 BE Nuea Dam Fand Chin Aathan

The Kumarn Tong Song Krueang Ongk Kroo Pim Yai 2548 BE Fang Mukh Sord Takrut Ngern Koo – Nuea Dam Paint See – Early Era was blessed in a sacred necromantic ritual by 15 monks during the Kern Maa Horn ‘Night of the Howling Dogs.’ This ritual was performed in a haunted cemetery and empowered the Kumarn using the full formula of invocations for the Kata Akarn Sam Sip Sorng, 32 Elements of Living Beings Incantation. This ritual reanimated the spirit within the effigy.

Kruba Beng

Kroo Ba Beng is known for his Wicha Sariga Dong Celestial Himapant Forest Magpie, which is effective for sweet talking and convincing others with ‘Jerajaa’ speech enchantments, and for Metta Mahaniyom Mercy Charm, to use for Business Improvement. He imbued the Kumarn Tong Song Krueang Ongk Kroo Pim Yai 2548 BE Fang Mukh Sord Takrut Ngern Koo – Nuea Dam Paint See – Early Era with this Kaa Khaay Jerajaa Magic to induce mercy and great preference (bias) in the wearer’s favor. This is useful for those in a competitive arena, as it draws the interest and focus of the customer or lover towards the wearer.

Kroo Ba Beng’s amulets are highly sought-after, and he has become internationally known for his ability to imbue them with Metta Mahaniyom, Maha Sanaeh, Maha Lap, and Maha Pokasap power. His early era amulets are equally regarded as those of his magical companion and ex-accomplice Kroo Ba Krissana Intawano, and both Masters inherited the Wicha Teerayan from the Lao Ruesi Bangbod. Kroo Ba Beng’s amulets have a cult following in Thailand and Singapore.

Below; Ruesi Bangbod of Laos

Lersi Bangbod of Laos

Pra Pid Ta Nuea Loha Thai Amulet Book Cover page

The Enchanting World of Pra Pid Ta Nuea Loha

A Pictorial Thai Amulet Catalogue for Devotees and Collectors

Pra Pid Ta Nuea Loha

This 103-page compendium, written in Thai language, is a treasure trove of rare and famous Pra Pid Ta amulets crafted by great masters of metallurgical alchemy, including world-famous sorcerer monks and lesser-known but equally powerful masters.

With classic Pra Pid Ta amulets from various masters and temples, this book serves as an excellent reference material for authentication and recognition of these rare and highly valuable amulets. It also provides a fascinating study of Thailand’s grand pantheon of Pra Pid Ta from a myriad of masters throughout history.

But what sets this book apart is its enchanting presentation. It’s a fantastic pictorial study of cast metal ‘Loi Ongk’ statuette type Buddha amulets and talismanic animist charms. Through its pages, you’ll learn to recognize the differing styles, designs, and appearances of the alchemical metal admixtures used by each master to fabricate their amulets.

In short, Pra Pid Ta Nuea Loha is a rare book that offers an in-depth exploration of metallic Pra Pid ta amulets from the top masters of Wicha Pra Pid Ta of various eras. So why wait? Embark on a journey into the enchanting world of Pra Pid Ta Nuea Loha and discover the magic within.

Pra Pid Ta Nuea Pong Wam Pasom Graduk Phii

Pra Pidta Pong Graduk Phii Ruay Pan Lan Edition

Powerful Thai Amulets By Pra Maha Somporn Released 2566 BE Wat Sotaram

Behold the Pra Pidta Pong Graduk Phii Ruay Pan Lan Edition, a collection of amulets of unparalleled power and occult magic crafted by the esteemed Pra Maha Somporn, and released in the year 2566 BE at the hallowed Wat Sotaram in Roi Et. These sacred votive tablets are infused with the necromantic energies of Nirodha Buddha Muan Sarn, created using the ancient Wica of Wat Po Ta Tian, and blended with the richest concentrations of Prai Luan powders, making them a true force to be reckoned with.

Pra Pid Ta Pong Graduk Phi Blue Powders

The Pra Pidta (Pid Tawarn) Run Ruay Pan Lan, in its special edition of 1000 million, is just one of the many versions available. Each amulet contains the mystical Hoeng Prai bone powders (Pong Graduk Phii), and features a unique blend of Muan Sarn, including the Bailan Grimoire Soot, Wan Sabu Luead Bloodsoap Herb, Cemetery Earths, and Earths from 7 Cemeteries of Wealthy Persons, Busy Markets, and Ports. Moreover, they are imbued with the potent Green and Blue Thao Long Vine Herb Tinctures, creating an unparalleled talisman of the highest order.

Pidta Pong Graduk Phii Nuea Khaw

Other versions of this collection include the Ongk Kroo A and B C models, such as the Nam Reuks models with three solid gold Takrut (which sold out even before their release), the Bucha Kroo with Triple Takrut Sam Kasat in Gold, Silver, and Bronze (limited to only 39 amulets), and the Gammagarn models with Takrut, Bailan Parchment spells, or other metallic amulets inserted into the clay of the rear face (limited to only 99 amulets in each color).

Blessing Ceremomy ImagesPhra Pidta Prok Po Ruay Pan Lan Nuea Pong Graduk Phii 2556 LP Somporn Wat Sotaram

The other models are also inimitable, and no two amulets exactly the same, some with Paeng Jerm sacred talc past from the hand of the monk to bless the amulets individually, or a piece of Civara Robe, or Corpse cloth pasted onto the front face, etc. The amulets were made in the following colors; White, Black, Blue, Green, Dark Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow, and Gon Krok (‘bottom of the mortar bowl’ effect mixed colors).

The edition included some special models in Ongk Kroo A and B C versions (Nam Reuks, Bucha Kroo, and Gammagarn Versions), with Nam Reuks models having 3 solid gold Takrut (only 20 made sold out before release pre-ordered), Bucha Kroo with Triple Takrut Sam Kasat (3 Kings Takrut in Gold, Silver and Bronze – only 39 amulets made), and Gammagarn models with Takrut, Bailan Parchment spells, or other metallic amulets inserted into the clay of the rear face (only 99 amulets made in each color).

Phra Pidta Prok Po Ruay Pan Lan Nuea Pong Graduk Phii 2556 LP Somporn Wat Sotaram (Roi Et)

The amulets were made in the following colors; White, Black, Blue, Green, Dark Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow, and Gon Krok (‘bottom of the mortar bowl’ effect mixed colors).

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The ‘standard’ (nothing common or ‘standard about this edition really!) models, are also inimitable and no two amulets exactly the same, some with Paeng Jerm sacred talc past from the hand of the monk to bless the amulets individually, or a piece of Civara Robe or Corpse cloth pasted onto the front face, etc.

The amulets come in an array of colors – White, Black, Blue, Green, Dark Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow, and Gon Krok (‘bottom of the mortar bowl’ effect mixed colors) – each imbued with its own unique energy. The ‘standard’ models are anything but common, with no two amulets exactly alike.

Some are blessed with Paeng Jerm sacred talc past from the hand of the monk, while others have a piece of Civara Robe or Corpse cloth pasted onto the front face, imbuing each amulet with its own special aura. A very few amulets were empowere with the insertion of a coffin nail, or other items in rear face, such as a Nang Kwak coin, a one baht blessed money cin, and the like, rendering each amulet highly individual to each owner.

Luang Por Simpalee Thai Lanna Tudong Master Monk

Takrut Maha Lap LP Simpalee Takrut Tone Phaen Ngern Choke Lap Ud Pong Serm Palang Gaay, Pasom Wan Maha Hlong, 2.5 inches long, in Nuea Ngern Solid Silver Yantra Foil, with hand inscriptions, code stamps, and picture of LP Simpalee, filled with the famous Health & Libido Increasing Magical Powders that have become a world famous phenomenon, and Wan Maha Hlong Herbal Powders for Maha Sanaeh Power of Attraction. 1999 of these amulets were made in limited edition.

Empowered in 2564 BE at the temple of Wat Pha Chai Ruam Mit in Loey, celebrating the building of the Hor Rakang Temple Bell Tower, and also 126 years of life of the Master, in Putta Pisek Ceremony within the Uposatha Shrineroom, after a preceding 3 month Traimas period of uninterrupted nightly blessings, by the Great aged monk, LP Simpalee, who in the year of release of this edition (2564 BE), has reached the age of 126 Years old, becoming the longest still living Master Monk of his time.

Luang Por’s amulets have increased in popularity around the country, and south east Asia, and even to Buddhists and Practitioners of the Occult in the Western World, after it became Nationally known that his amulets have real power, and furor was set loose, causing his amulets to increase in price and rarity since many years already.

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Luang Por Simpalee’s amulets are famously reputed for their power to work with all devotees, and to give sure results .The Buddha taught us that nothing in Life is Certain, but the amulets of Luang Por Simpalee, are as close to a certainty as one could possibly get with an Amulet in this Era. His amulets are now extremely sought after, and very difficult to encounter, due to immense demand from devotees around the world.


Few Masters can reflect such an amazing trajectory these days, and few can display such easily visible miraculous traits of meritorious practice. One of the last remaining direct Looksit of Luang Phu Mun, and one of the last remaining Masters of the previous Generation of Guru Monks to remain with us.

This Grand Master of the grand age of 126 years old (written 2022), is now highly in demand for his extremely powerful and authentically made Amulets. Luang Por Simpalee’s extreme attention to detail and faithfulness to the authentic methods of applied Magical Wicha Saiyasart, have made his amulets among the most highly sought-after in the present era.

His affinity and power to call the Magical Lek Lai Kaya Siddhi elemental substance, is renowned throughout the country and in various other countries of south-east Asia. His use of ground up powdered Lek Lai substance in the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders used for his Amulets, has become truly a trademark, as well as his use of his most highly desired Rae Perm Palang Gaay, sacred herbal and mineral ingredients, which have the power to heal a multitude of illnesses and mortal afflictions, and increase Libido.

The Wicha used in this amulet uses Thai Lanna Sorcery, and is a Talismanic ‘Krueang Rang’ (Occult charm/talisman) and is filled with the Libido INcresing Rae Palang Gaay Powders that have become so popular worldwide, for their stamina incresing, health improvement, and libido increasing powers..

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The specific empowerments performed by Luang Phu Simpalee have endowed this amulet with Powerful Wicha, for Good Karma, Anti Black Magick and Protection, but not only. The Muan Sarn of the amulet and empowerments also are filled with Rae Palang Gaay, and Wan Maha Hlong for Healing, Libido Increase Maha Sanaeh Power of Attraction, Metta Mahaniyom Mercy Charm, Klaew Klaad, Kong Grapan Evasion and Protection, Serm Duang, & as expected from his Amulets, Maha Lap and Maha Pokasap. Luang Por performed his empowerments ubiquitously, in the way he always does, which is for those who know him, one of the most powerful empowerments one could expect, although he does not make a grand show of it.

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This is something that is often seen with Arahantsm and Highly realized Master Monks, who simply empower the amulets with pure and powerful magic, but do not make a visible show of it, for magic, is indeed invisible to the naked eye. So there are no amazing fireworks, or special effects with this Great and Ancient Forest Monk, but the real effect of magical power, is more what Luang Por prefers to concentrate on.

Takrut Maha Lap LP Simpalee fille dwith Libido Increasing, and Wealth Increasing Powders

In his usual silence manner and extreme focus, he blocked out the world, and focuses inwards to channel the streamflow of the Buddhas. He invokes and raises these Powers, and Transmits them outwards, embedding the power of the Buddhas Accomplishments, and the power of his own Sorcerous Incantations within the amulets. This special 2564 Edition included many different amulets, with the official list of the temple documentation being;

1. Daw Sethee Run 2 second edition Star of Wealth with Rae Palang Powders, Wan Maha Hlong Powders, and Lek Lai Sethee powdered Kaya Siddhi Elemental Substance. These were made in 4 different versions in different numbers; (1) With Gold Takrut Tong Kam, & Lek Lai Piece Inserted – 99 amulets made. (2) With Silver Takrut Ngern, & Lek Lai Piece Inserted – 199 amulets made. (3) With Copper Takrut Tong Daeng, & Lek Lai Piece Inserted – 299 amulets made. (4) With Rae Palang Gaay and Wan Maha Hlong, and Lek Lai Crystals sprinkled – 499 amulets made.

2. Takrut Choke Lap Ma Ha Nuea Tong Lueang Brass Takrut Scroll Spell with Sinjana Cords, Herbal Lacquer Dipped with Gold Leaf, filled with Rae Perm Palang Gaay Libido and Health/Strength Increasing Powders and Wan Maha Hlong Maha Sanaeh Powders.

3. Takrut Rueay Hmeun Lān Nuea Ngern Pasom – Silver-Alchemical Metal Admixture Takrut Foil Scroll Spell, filled with Rae Perm Palang Gaay Libido and Health/Strength Increasing Powders and Wan Maha Hlong Maha Sanaeh Powders.

4. Duang Ta Tee Sām, in Nuea Tong Lueang Sacred Brass, with rear face – Third Eye/ Eye of Horus filled with Rae Perm Palang Gaay Libido and Health/Strength Increasing Powders and Wan Maha Hlong Maha Sanaeh Powders, 2 Sariga Birds, Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Enchanted Gemstones, Pratat Relics, & Lek Lai.

Luang Phu Simpalee

5. Daw Hok Chaek – 6 Sided Pentacle Yantra (Seal of Solomon), filled with Rae Perm Palang Gaay Libido and Health/Strength Increasing Powders and Wan Maha Hlong Maha Sanaeh Powders, In Koo, Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Enchanted Gemstones, Pratat Relics, & Lek Lai. Sethee.


6. Duang Ta Sorn Daw double Solomonic/Vedic Yantra Spell, in Nuea Tong Lueang Sacred Brass, with rear face filled with Rae Perm Palang Gaay Libido and Health/Strength Increasing Powders and Wan Maha Hlong Maha Sanaeh Powders, In Koo, Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Enchanted Gemstones, Pratat Relics, & Lek Lai. Sethee.

7. Pra Somdej Nuea Rae Perm Palang Gaay Pasom Wan Dork Tong Herbal Powders (all rare subgenuses), with Rae Lek Lai Sethee crystals sprinkled, and Lek Lai piece inserted – 499 amulets made.Takrut Maha Lap LP Simpalee filled with Rae Serm Palang Gaay Libido Increasing, and Rae Lek Lai Sethee Wealth Increasing Powders

8. Pra Luang Phu Tuad Nuea Rae Perm Palang Gaay Pasom Wan Dork Tong Herbal Powders (all rare subgenuses), with Rae Lek Lai Sethee crystals sprinkled, and Lek Lai piece inserted – 499 amulets made.

9. Duang Ta Jakrawal Eye of the Universe – in Nuea Rae Perm Palang Gaay Pasom Wan Dork Tong Herbal Powders (all rare subgenuses), with Rae Lek Lai Sethee crystals sprinkled, In Koo statuette, Takrut, Chanuan BeaPloi Sek, and Look Namo with Numbered Series code stamp and Lek Nam Pi – 499 amulets made.

10. The 2562 BE Takrut Dtad Gam Dork Yai (Takrut Kote Sethee) Ud Pong Rae Serm Palang Gaay Pasom Lek Lai Sethee to Reduce Karma & Increase Libido – Gold Leaf Coated Takrut Tone with Code Stamp, in Dork Yai and Dork Lek ()large and small versions), filled with Rae Serm Palang Gaay Libido, strength and health Increasing minerals, and Lek Lai Sethee Wealth Attracting powders, mixed with Wan Maha Lap and Wan Sethee sacred herbs. 399 Made in Dork Yai (large size), and 499 Made in Dork Lek (small size).

11. Jao Sua Maha Lap Ud Rae Serm Palang Gaay Ud Pong Rae Serm Palang Gaay Pasom Lek Lai Sethee Buddha Images, filled with Rae Serm Palang Gaay Libido, strength and health Increasing minerals, and Lek Lai Sethee Wealth Attracting powders, mixed with Wan Maha Lap and Wan Sethee Sacred Herbs

LP Simpalee Blessing Amulets

Maker of Amulet: Luang Por Simpalee. Temple of Origin: Wat Pha Wichai Ruam Mit (Woramit). Year of Issue: Made in 2562 BE, Empowered for 2 Years, and Released along with amulets of the 2564 BE Edition. Weight: 20 Grams. Type of Amulet: Hand Inscribed Sacred Geometry Scroll Spell.
Magical Effects: Dtad Gam, Serm Yos, Serm Duang, Maha Lap, Metta, Jerajaa, Kaa Khaay. Material: Takrut Scroll Spell with Rae Perm Palang Gaay Libido Increasing Powders, Lek Lai Sethee, Wan Maha Lap, Wan Maha Sanaeh. Recommended Uses: Good Karma, Success, Wealth, Health, Physical Strength and Libido, Good Business. Size of Amulet: 4 Inches Long. Number of Amulets Made: Only 399 Made in this extreme limited edition. Edition (Purpose of Making): Sang Sum Pratu

Presenting a most highly acclaimed and in demand Thai Amulet; the Takrut Tone Dtad Gam (Cut off Bad Karma) Ud Pong Rae Serm Palang Gaay, Lek Lai Sethee, Wan Maha Lap, and Wan Sanaeh. The Takrut was released in two sizes, Dork Yai, measuring 4 inches long, and Dork Lek, measuring 2.5 Cm.

The Takrut were fashioned from a metallic hand inscribed Yantra Foil Spell, and filled with the famous Rae Serm Palang Gaay, Health & Libido Increasing Magical Powders, that have become a world famous phenomenon, with Lek Lai Sethee Wealth Attracting Katya Siddhi Element, Wan Sanaeh for Maha Sanaeh Power of Attraction, and Wan Maha Lap Herbal Powders, for Lucky Fortunes.

LP Simpalee

Empowered in 2562 BE at the temple of Wat Pha Chai Ruam Mit in Loey, you fund the building of the Sum Pratu Arched Entranmce to the temple, and also 124 years of life of the Master in that year. Blessed in Putta Pisek Ceremony within the Uposatha Shrineroom, after a preceding 3 month Traimas period of uninterrupted nightly blessings, by the Great aged monk, LP Simpalee, who in the year of making of this edition, had reached the age of 124 Years old, becoming the longest still living Master Monk of his time (Made in 2562 BE/2020 AD, and released later after a further 2 years empowerment, in 2564 BE).

Takrut Ud Rae Serm Palang Gaay LP Simpalee

This special 2562 Series was empowered for two years in solo by Luang Phu Simpalee, with additional individual empowerments from the Great Luang Por Aditep, and Ajarn Geng. They were then released along with the 2564 Edition, which included many different amulets, all in small limited series numbers.

This series is expected, as usual to deplete and sell out completely in a very short time, as has been seen withg all previous editions of amulets which contain the miraculous Rae Serm Palang Gaay Health, Strength and Libido Increasing Magic Powders, and his Lek Lai Sethee Wealth Attracting Kaya Siddhi Elemental Substance.

Pra Kring Pra Chayawat Jadtutat Phanom Luang Por Koon Purisutto Wat Ban Rai.

Pra Kring – Pra Chaiyawat Jadtutat Phanom, in Nuea Loha Rom Dam (Pra Kring), and Nuea Samrit (Pra Chayawat), twin amulet box-set, blessed by the Great Luang Por Koon, in 2555 BE, on the fifth day of the fifth Lunar month of 2555 BE. This was a special date, as it was a triple sacred 5th Lunar occasion, of highly auspicious astrological alignments.

Released for the temple of Wat Jadtutataram in Khon Kaen, by Luang Por Koon, in his usual fashion of raising funds to help other temples in need. A very rare and Classic Pra Kring – Pra Chaiyawat Thai Buddhist Heirloom Amulet set to keep and pass on down to your family lineage, for long life, wealthy fortunes, good health, anti black magick, and harmony in the household (this only comes when one also makes personal efforts to not argue back at people).

Phra Kring Luang Por Koon 2555 BE

The Pra Kring/Pra Chaiyawat is most definitely an amulet to keep as a Family Heirloom Amulet. This is in fact what Thai Buddhist people do with their Pra Kring, leave them to their descendants, and pass it on as an Heirloom, down through the ages.

Phra Kring Phra Chayawat Luang Por Koon 2555 BE


The Pra Kring, is believed to bring 12 kinds of blessings to the devotee who wears it, bestowed through the rattling Kring bead within the Pra Kring Medicine Buddha. The Pra Kring Buddha, or ‘Bhaisajyaguru’ is one of Seven Bhaisajayagurus and is said to have two Bodhisattvas under him ‘Pra Suriya Bprapaa Potisat’ (Suriya Bhrapa Bodhksattva), and the Pra Jantra Bprapaa Potisat (Chandra Bhrapa Bodhisattva). This is the root of the Pra Kring Amulet’s legend till now, which was thought up and created in Thailand. It is only made here in Thailand. Of all the other Buddhist countries who revere it, only Thailand is responsible for its making.

The image is normally in the posture of sitting and holding an almsbowl or a Guava, Gourd or a Vajra. This was a Fully enlightened Buddha, who practised Purity of body and mind, and who was a great teacher of Human Beings, who has the Miracle that he who hears his name in passing, or see his image, will be healed, and live a long healthy and prosperous life with wealthy standing.
The use of the Pra Kring amulet as an object of veneration for this particular commemoration is with the intent of bestowing miraculous protection and healing powers of the Medicine Buddha to the devotee, with Serm Duang power for auspicious Karma, and as Buddhanussati (Mindfulness of the Buddha). The beliefs about the Powers of the Pra Kring Wat Bovornives, are that the Pra Kring is the image of Pra Pai Sachaya Kuru (พระไภษัชยคุรุ Bhaisajyaguru, 藥師佛 Yàoshīfó, in Chinese, or in Japanese ‘Yakushi’). Pra Pai Sachaya Kuru (or, ‘Guru) is of course, the Medicine Buddha. The image is normally in the posture of sitting and holding an almsbowl or a Guava, Gourd or a Vajra. This was a Fully enlightened Buddha, who practised Purity of body and mind, and who was a great teacher of Human Beings, who has the Miracle that he who hears his name in passing, or see his image, will be healed, and live a long healthy and prosperous life with wealthy standing.

The Pra Kring Buddha, or ‘Bhaisajyaguru‘ is one of Seven Bhaisajayagurus and is said to have two Bodhisattvas under him ‘Pra Suriya Bprapaa Potisat’ (Suriya Bhrapa Bodhksattva), and the Pra Jantra Bprapaa Potisat (Chandra Bhrapa Bodhisattva). The beliefs about the Powers of the Pra Kring, are that the Pra Kring is the image of Pra Pai Sachaya Kuru (พระไภษัชยคุรุ Bhaisajyaguru, 藥師佛 Yàoshīfó, in Chinese, or in Japanese ‘Yakushi’). Pra Pai Sachaya Kuru (or, ‘Guru) is of course, the Medicine Buddha. The image is normally in the posture of sitting and holding an almsbowl or a Guava, Gourd or a Vajra. This was a Fully enlightened Buddha, who practised Purity of body and mind, and who was a great teacher of Human Beings, who has the Miracle that he who hears his name in passing, or see his image, will be healed, and live a long healthy and prosperous life with wealthy standing. The Pra Kring Buddha, or ‘Bhaisajyaguru’ is one of Seven Bhaisajayagurus and is said to have two Bodhisattvas under him ‘Pra Suriya Bprapaa Potisat’ (Suriya Bhrapa Bodhksattva), and the Pra Jantra Bprapaa Potisat (Chandra Bhrapa Bodhisattva). The Pra Kring in most cases (except in the odd example where Muan Sarn powders prevent the sound, or a Look Namo Copper Slug Seal is used to seal the base), the Pra Kring Bovores most famous amulet, and those of Wat Bovornives especially, for their Royal Sangkaracha Blessing, has a rattling bead inside it. The reason for this rattle sound, made by a sacred bead of Chanuan Muan Sarn or other Relic, is that it is the Name of the medicine Buddha resounding as you pass along your way, Healing and Blessing You with Safety, Health, Prosperity, Metta for Auspicous Friendly Loving Kindness.

Luang Por Koon was famous amongst all Adepts that he was able to empower amulets in a very short time, with quick entry into the necessary meditative states for empowering amulets. The most famous image of Luang Por Koon is of course the image of him squatting smoking a cigar, which was ubiquitous in his early years, bit which he later gave up for health reasons as he became older. He was much loved by Thai Buddhist Folk, for his great acts of Charity and Social Welfare, and his selfless speech and behavior. He spent most of his time in silence, and stillness, conceding to the requests which the Public Beseeched him to help with. The name of Luang Por Koon is perhaps the most famous name around the world, of any monk in living memory.

He is considered by Thai Buddhist People to be an Attained Arahant Monk. His passing has left his Devotees Missing him Dearly, and it is now, more than ever, that his amulets can serve as a remembrance to keep his protective blessings in memory. To revere Luang Por Koon and his amulets, requires and reminds one to keep one’s moral practice, in respect for the great Guru Monk and Kroo Ba Ajarn of Dhamma practice, Luang Por Koon Bparisutto, of Wat Ban Rai. Luang Por Koon is internationally renowned and revered for building at least three hospitals and schools and assisting in funding many other temples, and to the day of his passing, donating to social community aid projects and for the good of the community each day.

He raised massive funds for auspicious projects, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars each month, to help the people of his community. Luang Por Koon was perhaps Thailands Most World famous Monk of all time as far as International Renown goes. His great Humility and down to earth honesty has won the hearts of devotees from around the world, and his Miracle Power goes undoubted with his Devotees. Since his passing away, his amulets have come ever more into focus, and are slowly but surely disappearing from public view, as devotees snap up the amulets of their Kroo Ba Ajarn for posterity and Bucha. Luang Por Koon has passed on from this world now, but his amulets, and their powerful blessings remain for us to connect and pray to Luang Por, and Prosper, Remain Safe, have Long Life, Good Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

Use the Traditional Thai Buddhist Method for Bucha;

1. Chant Maha Namasakara (3 Times)

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Namo Dtat-Sa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa, Namo Dtat-Sa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa, Namo Dtat-Sa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa

2. Chant the Trai Soranakom (3 Times)

Puttang Saranang Kajchāmi, Tammang Saranang Kajchāmi, Sangkang Saranang Kajchāmi

3. Chant Kata Aaraatanaa Pra Krueang (3 Times)

Puttang Aaraatanaanang, Tammang Aaraatanaanang, Sangkang Aaraatanaanang

Make Your Wish, Hold it in Your Mind, and Continue with;

Puttang Prasittimae,
Tammang Prasittimae, Sangkang Prasittimae

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Pra Pid Ta Jaroen Lap

The Pra Pid Ta Jaroen Lap YSS Chae Nam Mont Prayer Water Soaked Thai Buddhist amulets were blessed by Royal Commission with his Holiness Somdej Prayan Sangworn (Sangkaracha) presiding over the Buddha Abhiseka Ceremony to perform empowerment and blessings, and chant the Dhamma Chakra to open the eyes of the Buddha, as is ubiquitous in Amulet and Statue blessing ceremonies (Buddha Abhiseka).

The rear face of the Pra Pid Ta amulet has the Sacred Yant Ongk Pra (also known as Yant Nam Tao gourd Yantra, due to the likeness in shape of the Buddha symbol, to a water-gourd), the YSS Royal emblem, and signature of Pra Sangkaracha. Being medium in size, the amulet would fit both men and women, equally well. The Pra Pid Ta should protect you, assist in maintaining focus at work, play and in meditation, and evade dangers, attract wealth, and liberate you from debts.

various models were made, in Pim Lek (smaller) and Pim Yai (larger) versions, in various versions of Muan Sarn Sacred Powders, including Nuea Pong Puttakun, Nuea Bailan, Nuea Wan Dork Tong, & Nuea Wan Chae Nam Mont. The edition was released as is ubiquitous with Royally approved editions of Pra Sangkarach, along with a range of Pra Somdej Buddha Image votive tablets. The Pid Ta is from one of Thai History’s most Holy Monks, who was the official head of the Sangha and Royally appointed Abbot of Wat Bovornives Temple. The amulet is a respectable and highly sacred amulet, to pass on down in the family through generations. This is what has come to be known as ‘Heirloom Amulets’, for their Sacred and Historical Value, and their Immortality of Repute as a high class pure Buddhit Amulet from one of the purest monks we have seen in the modern era, with a host of other famous Gaeji Ajarn Guru Monks to perform the Buddha Abhisekha (Putta Pisek) ‘awakening of the Buddha’ Blessing Ceremony.

In Thailand, such Nationally Respected Amulets are considered family heirlooms. The beauty of the Pra Pid Ta amulet, the Sacred Blessings of its now deceased maker, and the respectable age and visual characteristics, make this a sacred amulet that is highly desirable for Buddhists who seek improved meditation, wealth, rid of debt, lessening of suffering. The Pra Pid Ta represents a monk entering the meditative state of Nirodha, which means the cessation, or extinguishing of all sufferings.

Nirodha Sacca (Pali, also nirodha saccã; Sanskrit: nirodha satya) — is the third of the four noble truths within Buddhist tradition. Nirodha means “cessation” or “extinction”, and sacca means “truth” or “reality”. Thus, nirodha sacca is typically translated as the “truth of cessation” or “truth of the cessation of suffering.” It refers specifically to the cessation of dukkha (suffering) and its causes; the experience of this cessation is referred to as nirvana. Nirodha can have the following meanings: cessation, extinction, the cessation of Dukkha, release,
“control or restraint”.

Nirodha sacca refers to “the cessation of all the unsatisfactory experiences and their causes in such a way that they can no longer occur again. It’s the removal, the final absence, the cessation of those things, their non-arising.”[1] According to the Buddhist point of view, once we have developed a genuine understanding of the causes of suffering, such as craving (tanha) and ignorance (avijja), then we can completely eradicate these causes and thus be free from suffering

This is symbolized by the fact the Buddha/Meditating Monk, is closing his eyes and/or other orifices with his hands, to block out any external disturbances, and focus within, on emptiness.

Pure Buddhanussati, with the Sacred Buddhist Blessings of one of the Purest Monks of the last Century, made from powerful yantra powders with the Yant Ongk Pra and the signature of Somdej Prayan Sangworn emblazoned on the rear face, as his personal Sacred Blessing.

Somdej Prayan Sangworn, or endearingly known as ‘Pra Sangkarach’, was the Head Monk of the Royal Palace and Administrating Monk at Wat Boworn also. He was the highest Official Status that a Monk can attain in Thailand. He passed away at the ripe age of 100 years and 21 days Years old in 2556 BE. His legacy and amulets remain for the faithful to keep as heirlooms and Buddhanussati. All editions of amulets of the Sangkaracha are now becoming ever rarer since his passing away, and this particular edition is yet another essential rarity and collectible amulet with auspicious Buddha-Magic, for both the sacred Blessings from the Sangkaracha, as well as for its great Historical Value as the 50th anniversary memorial edition of the Indojin Ceremony, which is one of the three greatest and largest master ceremonies of Thai Buddhist History.

You can use the Kata Pra Pid Ta or/and Kata Ārātanā Pra Krueang incantations, to call upon the power of the amulet, and beseech blessings. Kata Pra Pid Ta, or, ‘Pra Pakawambodee’ is one of the most powerful Kata to Chant for increasing Riches as well as protection, reducing sufferings and illnesses and incrementing Happiness and Luck.

The Pid Ta amulet is one of the most popular of Thai amulets, and has been made by so very many temples and masters from all Provinces, that it is now classed as an important member of the Benjapakee family of classic top five types of Thai amulets.

Kata Pra Pid Ta

Namo Puttassa Kawambadtissa Namo Tammassa Kawambadtissa Namo Sangkassa Kawambadtissa Sukha Sukha Warang Na Mo Puttaaya Ma A U Tugkhang Anijjang Anatta Jewa

Pra Kata Pakawambadee

Kata Pra Pakawambodee is one of the most powerful Kata to Chant to Pra Pid Ta for increasing Riches as well as Protection, reducing Sufferings and Illnesses and incrementing Happiness and Luck.

Tamma Jaggang Bpatang Sudt Dtawaa Puch Chidt Dtawaa Adt Dtang Bpatang Sandtigae Arahaa Laapo Logaanang Hidtagaranaa Pandtae Pawam Bpadtinaama Dtisulokae Subpaagadto Prahma Budt Dto Mahaa Thaero Araho Chaedtago Muni Bpidt Dti Thaero Samo Inta Kantappaa Asuraa Taewaa Saggo Prahmaa Pi Bpuchidto Na Mo Put Tas Sa Kawam Bpadtissa Na Mo Tammassa Kawam Bpadtissa Na Mo Sangkassa Kawam Bpadtissa Sukhaa Sukha Warang Tammang Tammajagga Bpawarang Warang.

Pra Pid Ta amulets, as well as Pra Pid Ta in form of Pha Yant, and Bucha statues, have been produced as objects of reverence and protection since very ancient times in Thailand. The artisans of that time created various styles and interpretations using the various periodic influences of Buddhist art and sculpture available at the time.
Various Deity forms were used to make the Pid Ta posture (‘Pid Ta’ means ‘covering the eyes’)

Various Buddhas or Bodhisattvas or Deities are fashioned into the posture of Pra Pid Ta, or Pid Tawarn (meaning ‘closing the orifices). Pid Tawarn can close 7, or 9 orifices (seven being called ‘Pra Pid Sadtatawarn’ and nine being called ‘Pra Pid Navatawarn’). The Pra Pid Ta is considered to be an amulet with ‘Maha Ud’ and ‘Kong Grapan’ power (invincibility and gunstopping power), but is also made as a wealth bringer. In this which case, the amulet will be called ‘Pra Pid Ta Maha Lap’.

In order to inflect a greater resonance for wealth attraction and auspicious blessings, in addition to the Maha Ud and Kong Grapan magic, ancient artisans sometimes would use the image of the Sangkajjaiyana Buddha of riches and happiness, and carve it in the Pid Ta posture.

Below; Somdej Prayan Sangworn (Sangkaracha – R.I.P.) with His Majesty King Bhumiphol Adulyadej

Somdej Prayan Sangworn (Sangkaracha) and His Majesty King Bhumiphol Adulyadej

Somdej Prayan Sangworn, or endearingly known as ‘Pra Sangkarach’, was the Head Monk of the Royal Palace and Administrating Monk at Wat Boworn also. He was the highest Official Status that a Monk can attain in Thailand. His amulets are of the Eternal variety, that never reduce in popularity and always increase on value and rarity. All Thai Buddhist Devotees are extremely devoted and hold the Sangkaracha in the Highest esteem who has been known for his great purity of practice, and who has been seen to recieve the respect and reverence of His Majesty the King of Thailand, making him most certainly the most nationally revered monk of the last half century in Thai Buddhist History.

His Holiness the Sangkaracha passed away now, leaving his deeds and is amulets for us to remember and to pray to for his Blessings. His legacy and amulets remain for the faithful to keep as heirlooms and Buddhanussati. All editions of the Sangkaracha are now becoming ever rarer since his passing away, and are highly preferred, for the sacred Blessings from the Sangkaracha Monk.

Kata Ārātanā Pra Krueang


His Holiness passed away at the ripe age of 100 years and 21 days Years old in 2557 BE. His amulets and especially those in his image, are now becoming ever more in demand, since his passing. His Trajectory of Purity and Auspicious Actions throughout his life, have led to his image and is amulets becoming very Sacred and Revered in Thailand.

Types of Thai Amulets & Occult Charms

There is a Plethora of Thai Amulets to be found within the immensely grand pantheon of types of Thai amulets found in historical records. Thai Amulets exist in many forms in Thailand, and are made by many different traditions and ethnic groups. The types of Thai amulets and their empowerment methods, are different, depending on each grimoire, temple, master monk and ethnic group, such as the Isan People, The Southern Thais who prefer the Khao Or Magical Tradition, The regional Masters of Chonburi, Lopburi, Supannburi, Pethcburi, Chumporn, Yala, Songkhla, Pattalung, The Tai Yai Hill Tribes, the Kanjanaburi district Burmese Influences Magical Tradition, and the Great Lanna Masters of the Nothern Provinces;

Here is a list of just some, if only a very few, of the main types of Thai Amulets found in the present day, and in olden days.

Pra Pid Ta

Pra Pid Ta Chae Nam Mont Song Nam

Pra Pid Ta Chae Nam Mont Song Nam Edition Prayer Water Soaked Por Tan Bun Hai Wat ta Muang

Pra Pid Ta Sorng Hnaa 2 faced amulet Luang Por Kron, Wat Bang Sae (Malaysia)

Pra Pid Ta Maha Lap Luang Phu Kambu Wat Gut Chompoo, released in small amulets and large Bucha Pra Kring.


Phra Pidta Buddha Amulets

Pra Pid Ta Amulets in Ancient Amulet Store

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Thai Buddha Amulet Types

Different Kinds of Buddha Rupa Thai Amulets, in different shapes and substances.

Thai Occult Charms and Ritual Item (Krueang Rang)

Singha Lions for Maha Amnaj  & Tiger amulets

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Sacred Powder Amulets

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Sacred Powder Amulets of Both Buddhist and Occult Origins.

There is a Plethora of different kinds of Buddhist and also Occult Amulets of Black, White and Gray Magic, as well as Necromantic Sorcery, Animist Charms and Talismans which are made from powdered sacred substances. The types of amulets are so numerous, that it would be impossible to list them all, even if one should write for 40 years about it, and so I shall present you with a view of some of the most classic and highly favored, and unusual amulets in Sacred powders.


Mitmor Ritual Knives

Mitmor Daam Nga Ivory ritual knife of Luang Por Derm

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Pha Yant – Yantra Cloths

Pha Yant, are Sacred Geometric or Deity/Guru Monk/Buddha images imprinted with silk screen, or inscribed by hand, which contain religious worship images, and occult spells for wealth, health, attraction, success, protection, and other purposes. The designs are almost endless, and are popularly placed on the wall in a frame like a painting, for Bucha (Worship).

Animist Charms

Animism was predominant belief system in ancient Siam and is still very strongly believed in to this day, and highly practiced by the Lay Sorcerers of the various traditions, and the Northern Lanna Hilltribe people. Animism is found also in Brahman Hindu Belief System, which came to Siam before the Advent of Buddhism,, and Thai Buddhism has not omitted these beliefs from the cultural faith of Thai Buddhist People although some movements within the Thai Sangha do wish to separate Animism from Thai Buddhism).

ban neng khmer

Presenting an extremely rare chance to admire a historically and extremely sorcerous piece of ancient Khmer Necromancy, in the form of this Banneng Human Skull-Bone carving of a Khmer Hoeng Prai Ghost, exhumed from the grave many many years ago in ancient times, by a Khmer Necromancer, and invoked with the spirit of the Hoeng Prai Ghost who once inhabited the mortal remains during its lifetime. A Hoeng Prai Ghost is often described in English, as ‘Death whilst screaming”, meaning screaming during an accident or being murdered, drowning or falling from heights. In truth, a Hoeng Prai Ghost is the spirit of a person who suffered a premature death, suddenly without any kind of pre-warning.

Banneng ghost bone carvings are considered, along with Nam Man Prai Tang Glom Oil, is considered to be the highest and most powerful and adept form of Necromantic Sorcery in existence, and Khmer Necromancy is considered to be the number one form of Dark Arts in South East Asia, for its many thousand year old tradition and ancient formulas, which have been preserved through even the time of the Kampuchean Civil War.

To make a Banneng, one must first find a person who died under the proper circumstances to be a Hoeng Prai, and then have permission from the family of the dead spirit, or perform according to the will and testament of the dead person, and then perform the ritual to gain permission from the protector spirit of the cemetery where the Hoeng Prai is interred, before then using Wicha to find and intuit, which of the three protective magical seal stones on the grave to remove before attempting to exhume the body of the Hoeng Prai.

There are three stones hidden on the grave area, which are inscribed, with Khom Kata Akom, and placed there by the gravedigger himself ,who also uses sorcery to seal the graves of angry spirits or powerful Hoeng Prai Ghosts to stay within the grave, and not wander around the neighborhood.
Banneng became internationally popular after many South East Asians from Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and other countries began to hear of the powerful magic of the Banneng, and rumors of its power to attract immense wealth.

They are wildly sought after, and there are many Ban Neng derivative type amulets providing for the massive demand, such as skeletal pieces, which then are known as ‘Chin Aathan‘, instead of ‘Ban Neng’ But it is the skull bone itself, which is the rarest and most highly prized, and of course the largest of all Necromantic Bone Carvings. Usually only found in the museums of wealthy collectors and serious devotees of Necromancy / Barang (Malaysian Term).

wicha maha sanaeh

Thai Amulets to make someone Love You

Many people seek a Thai Amulet to make someone love you, and the choice is bewildering, as well as the fact that many people are still inexperienced in the Genre of Buddha Magic, and do not know which Thai Amulets are the best amulets to make a person love you. Both Ladies and Men (and especially ladies of the night), favor this kind of Maha Sanaeh amulet for use as an amulet to make somebody fall in love with you. Transexuals are also very fond of using this kind of amulet for seduction purposes, and those who practice Kama Sutra Sex Magick.

In Koo Som Pratana Maha Sanaeh, wish fulfilling Lanna Animist Love and Mercy Charm in powerful muan sarn powders.
To make this easier, one could say that almost all forms of Thai amulets to make a person love you come under the category of ‘maha sanaeh’ magic. In this category we find a multitude of love charms such as the In Koo, In Plord Rak, In Saep Ma, Mae Bper, Jing Jok Gao Hang Nine Tails Fox, Nam Man Prai Oils, Necromantic Love Charms such as Takrut, and Look Om, See Pheung Waxy Potions, Pra Ngang, Por Bper, and so many other kinds of amulets that can assist in increasing the power of attraction to open up the chances of meeting people, that may come to love you.

Yant Hneeb Ma Saep Nang Dtamrap Kroo Ba Wang - Folded Yantra Lanna heart-Grabber spell

However, as with all Buddhist and Magical Amulets, there are rules and a price to pay, namely, that you should never reject a person who falls under your love-spell, nor should you think that the spell will work if you do not apply your own charm, as well as using the power of attraction from the amulet. One cannot expect an amulet to work if you are nasty, Boring or Uninteresting to the person you wish to make love you.

Nine Tails Fox - Nang Ning Jork 9 Hang

9 Tails Fox Demoness Enchantress Locket filled with Sacred Powders, 2 Takrut, 11 Gems, 2 Pearls, 1 Taep Jamlaeng amulet inserted ‘Bantian Mian Jia’ 2555 BE 2nd Edition – Luang Phu In Wat – Nong Meg

Jao Ngo Pha Sangkh Tong

Ngo Pha Stories

The Jao Gno Pha, or ‘Ngo Pha’, is a mythical legendary figure in Thailand, who represents one of the Saakai (Mani Negritos), which have been in existence since stone age times. The Jao Ngo Pha plays a role in the literary masterpiece ‘Sangkh Tong’ (the Golden Conch) story. Thai Buddhist people know the story of Sangkh Tong as a staged Poetic Play (Tantamount to a Musical in the West), performed since the Sukhothai Era right up to the Ratanakosin Era, and has remained a popular Literary Epic and a compulsory study for all students of Thai Literature.
Sangkh Tong Story Book Cover with Jao Ngo Pha
The Jao Ngo Pha plays a role within this story, and is also found as an amulet and deity of reverence. Jao Ngo Pha is also a Magical ‘Wicha’ (Sorcerous Arts), in Thai Buddha Magic (Animist/Buddhist influenced Occult Magic). The Sangkh Tong ‘Golden Conch’ Literary Epic, evolved from the one of the Buddhist Jataka (Buddha’s Previous Lives stories), named the Suwanna Sangkh Jataka.

Beliefs about the Powers of the Ngo Pha as a Magical Deity;

The Ngo Pha of the Sangkh Tong Jataka story has immense power to hide himself, within a ‘Ngo’ (Rambutan) and be invisible to anybody, and is hence famed for what Thai Buddhist people call ‘Klaew Klaad’ evasive magic. He is also a Charmer and Master of Oratory Arts, and can convince others easily. The Ngo Pha survives under the hardest of conditions, and is hence given the attribute of lending the power to get through against all obstacles. The Jao Ngo is used along with the Wicha Maha Jinda Mani Montr Magical spell in Thai Buddha Magic, to make amulets for evasion of dangers and enemies, protection and wealth accumulation, mercy charm and seductive influence

Jao Ngo Pha Deity & Bucha Methods

Below; Sakai (Ngo Pha)

Sakai (Ngo Pha)

The Ngo Pha Story of King Rama 5

The Ngo Pha Royally authored story appeared during the times of His Majesty King Rama 5 Pra Jula Jom Glao Pra Jao Yoo Hua, who wrote it in the ‘Roi Grong’ (100 verse) poetic form, during an eight day period of illness when he had to rest.

The story of the Ngo Pha, despite being written like a Poetic Play, was not written with the intention of being a staged play, rather, just for reasons of self relaxation. The story was finished on the 2nd of February in the 124th year of the Ratanakosin Era (2448 BE, which according to modern Calendar would be 2449 BE). The work was refined slightly a little later. On the 14th March of 2456 His Majesty gave permission for the first ever printing of his work. His Majesty also added a final eight line Poem at the end of immense Beauty, and Highly Refined Rhythmic Tonal Composition.

Below; Storybook Cover of His Majesty’s Poetic Authorship of the Story of Ngo Pha

The story is not written using long difficult academic words, which are hard to understand, rather, in ‘Pasaa Goy’, or ‘Pasaa Sakai’ language of the Mani People, which is an ancient Austro-Asiatic language. To this day, the Ngo Pha still exist, in groups of around 7-60 people per group, and call themselves the ‘Mani’ (also known as Orang Asli, and Goy people), in the Jungles of Malaysia, Thailand, the island of Papua New Guinea, in the Philippines, and in the Andaman islands. They have some similarities with the Aboriginal People of Australia.

In the Royal literary story of the Jao Ngo Pha, Despite using short and easy form of speech, the story is written with extreme finesse, and has a poetry in motion to its flow of words.

The Ngo Pha Ancient Tribal People

It is believed by some paleontological anthropologists, that the Ngo Pha (Mani People), may have wandered out of Africa before Homo Sapiens. In Malaysia they call the Mani the ‘Semang’ people, and have an official total population count of around 4500-5000 people.
In Thailand, there are only around 3-400 Ngo Pha, who are split into four cultural sub-categorisations of Ngo Pha; 1. Gansiw People, found in the Jungles of Yala Province, 2. Yahaay People, found in the Jungles of Naratiwas, 3. Dtaede (or Yaede), who live on the mountain of Sangaalaa Kiree in the forests, and 4. Dtaen Aen People, found scattered in the Jungles around the Province of Trang.

Many of the Ngo Pha in Thailand moved to Malaysian Forests because of being looked down upon and being bullied by Thai Society, and because it is more better adapted for their culture and lifestyle in the forest. They sustain theirselves mainly from roots like the Phueak sweet potato, Bananas, Papaya, and Hunting Animals for Meat, and catching fish either with their hands or hand made rods and traps.

Rian Choo Chok Joong Nang Nuea Dtakua Jarn Mer Sacred Leaden Alchemical Alloy Amulet featuring Jujaka the Fortuitous Beggar, leading a Maiden by the hand, with hand inscribed Sacred Yant and Khom Agkhara spells inscriptions engraved into the rear face. Released by the fifth Master of the Magical Linage Wicha of Wat Klang Bang Gaew, Luang Por Kong (Sanya). The coin comes with Original Temple Box and the gift of a small ball of Look Pong Ya Wasana Jinda Maneem sacred powders of Luang Phu Bun, of Luang Por Kong, Wat Klang Bang Gaew.

This is yet another important edition in the Dtamra Legend and Historical Magical Linage, of Wat Klang Bang Gaew Classic Thai Buddhist Amulets, which are enjoying the Immortal success of four Generations of Abbots (with Non-Abbot Master Monk Ajarn Bai making a total of five Masters), who have continued and Maintained the various Wicha for which Wat Klang Bang Gaew is noted for, namely the Wicha Bia Gae, the Jao Sua, The Ya Wasana Jinda Manee Sacred Powder and Wicha Jinda Manee Montr

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Empowered with the Invocations of Maha Lap of Choo Chok (Jujaka), and the Blessings of a host of Sacred Yant around the imagery of the front face of the amulet, bring a multitude of Magical Aspects, which, being made from Alchemical leaden Sacred Alloy is especially susceptive to absorbing the powers imbued by the master. The rear face is hand inscribed with the Yant Putsoorn and sacred Khom Agkhara.

LP Kong (Sanya)

The amulet is further empowered with the Traditional Wicha Maha Jinda Manee Montr, made famous by the great Luang Phu Bun, of Wat Klang Bang Gaew, which is undoubtedly the most famous of all Temples for the Wicha Jinda Manee Montr and is also famous for the Yant Maha Pokasap for increased Wealth and treasured Possessions. This particular series of amuilets possesses the ubiquitous powers of Protection (Klaew Klaad) to Evade Dangers, ‘Gae Jon’ (prevent Poverty and cashflow still-stands), ‘Maha Mongkol’ (Great Blessings of good Fortunes, Health and Wealth), and Maha Lap Maha Pokasap Wealthy and Lucky Blessings.

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Paya Jorakhae amulet Pra Kroo Samun Tam Wat Khao Galoke

Dtamra Jorakhae Aathan Wat Khao Galoke

When speaking of the sacred crocodile Animist Charm, the Wicha Jorakhae sorcerous crocodile spell of Pra Kroo Samun Tam, can be said to be synonimous with the name of the temple of Wat Khao Galoke. Pra Kroo Samun Tam is the first ever abbot of Wat Khao Galoke, and ordained at age 31 in the year 2522 BE, as Wat Tamma Pracharam with the Great Luang Por Tong Sukh of Wat Sapan Sung as his Upachaya Ordaining Officer, Luang Por Phaew, of Wat Tanode Luang as his Pra Gammawajajarn Prompting Officer, and Luang Por Pan of Wat Tamma pracharam as his Anusawanajarn Witness. The Paya Jorakhae Aathan of Wat Khao Galoke is so popular that it has been made in more than a dozen or so editions.

The Jorakhae Akom most probably Represents the Chalawan Giant Crocodile, who ate his fill and grew to giant size, and was a highly feared Deified beast of Thai Folk Tales and Literary Fable. They are a very rare kind of animist charm to find made, for so few masters possess the Wicha. This makes them very special because of their rarity and exclusivity, and of this particular Niche of the Thai amulet scene. Apart from this, we should look at the magical properties all the magic spell used in this very ancient animist Charm. The Jorakhae is of course a type of Mara (Underworld being), and thus protects against other Maras during the time it serves you.

11th edition Jorakhae Wat Khao Galoke 2556 BE

11th edition Jorakhae Wat Khao Galoke 2556 BE in Nuea Tong Hlueang

The first edition was released in Nuea Tong Daeng Rom Dam only, with 6000 made, on 1st January of the year 2550 BE, 6000 amulets made, with the words ‘Wat Khao Galoke embossed. The edition was so successful and popular, that a second edition was required.

The 2nd edition was released in the same year on the 10th of May 2550 BE, with 4,400 amulets made in Nuea Tong Hlueang, and Nuea Tong Lueang Rom Dam. This edition also depleted fast, and made a third edition necessary, to fulfil the needs of the devotees who missed out on the first two editions.

This third edition was then released on the 28th October 2550 BE in the same year as the first edition, with 10,999 made in Nuea Tong Hlueang, . Then a 5,999 in Nuea Tong Hlueang Rom Dam, and 1000 made in Nuea Tong Daeng.

Paya Jorakhae 3rd edition Wat Khao Galoke Nuea Tong Daeng

Paya Jorakhae 3rd edition Wat Khao Galoke Nuea Tong Daeng

Below; special ongk kroo version of third edition Jorakhae Akom Wat Khao Galoke in Nuea Tong Hlueang Rom Dam immersed in Green Prai Oil

Paya Jorakhae amulet Pra Kroo Samun Tam Wat Khao Galoke

Paya Jorakhae amulet Pra Kroo Samun Tam Wat Khao Galoke

The Fourth edition was also released in the very same year during the ceremony of receiving the Royal Pat Yos Monk’s Fan of Status. This 4th edition came after the third edition depleted, much to everyones’s surprise (considering many more than the previous editions were made to avoid depletion). By this time, the Jorakhae Akom of Wat Khao Galoke had become nationally famous, and was in demand around the whole country.

So the 4th edition was blessed and released on 13th December 2550 BE with 500 made in Nuea Tong Daeng, and 100 made in Nuea Tong Hlueang. This edition had crocodile with open mouth like the third edition, but is rarer top find due to less numbers.

The 5th edition was made with much larger numbers and released on 13th April 2551 BE with 15,000 amulets made in Nuea Tong Hlueang, 13,000 in Nuea Tong Hlueang Rom Dam, and 2000 made in Nuea Tong Daeng.

The 6th edition is identified by the fact the crocodile is holding three lotus flowers in its mouth.The 6th edition was blessed and empowered and released on 11th June 2561 BE. 4,500 amulets were made in Nuea Tong Hlueang Rom dam, and 3000 in Nuea Tong Hlueang, with only 500 being made in Nuea Tong Daeng.

The 7th edition was released on 13th April 2551 BE, with 12,935 amulets made in Nuea Tong Hlueang Rom Dam, 6000 in Nuea Tong Hlueang, and 6000 in Nuea Tong Daeng. Since then there have been various editions released occasionaly over the years (up to 14 editions), continuing the Dtamra of the Paya Jorakhae Wat Khao Galoke.

Kala Ta Diaw Lanna Amulets Kroo Ba Dtu Ing

Presenting a Special series of limited edition Jumbo Size Masterpiece Hand Made amulets in Kala Ta Diaw 1 eyed coconut shell, from Lanna Monk Kroo Ba Dtu Ing, of Wat Intrataep in Chiang Mai. The amulets of this extreme limited hand made series, were made from a small number of one eyed coconuts, which are extremely rare (1 in 100,000 or less), in the form of various Lanna Popular Deities, including Pra Rahu, and Paya Khao Kham (Lanna style Khun Phaen/Paetch Payatorn).

The Naturally Imbued Power Within One Eyed Coconut Shell

Kala Ta Diaw (one eyed coconut shell), is a highly sacred and powerful substance in Thai Sorcery, with power of Maha Pokasap Wealth and Treasure Attraction. Gae Aathan Anti Black Magick, and Kong Grapan Maha Ud Protective Power. Just the substance itself is said to possess extreme magical power, even without blessing or empowerment by any sorceror or monk.

Paya Khao Kam

Paya Khao Kam Nuea Kala Ta Diaw Gae Kroo Ba Dtu Ing

Paya Khao Kam Nuea Kala Ta Diaw Gae Kroo Ba Dtu Ing

Paya Khao Kam Golden Horned Maha Sanaeh Seduction Demon amulet, released by Kroo Ba Dtu Ing imbued with the powerful Wicha Paya Tae Krua Maha Sanaeh. This Paya Khao Kam Pim Jumbo size Ongk Kroo amulet is hand carved from Nuea Kala Ta Diaw, 1 eyed coconut shell, considered a very powerful substance for Maha Ud, Ud Sap, Maha Pokasap, and Maha Lap.Pure Wicha Thai Lanna Northern Sorcery. Filled with a mass of powerful magical substances in the rear face.

Paya Khao Kam, often called the ‘Lanna Khun Phaen’. or Lanna ‘Golden Horns’ Deva, in hand carved hand painted one eyed coconut shell, filled with Muan Sarn Maha Sanaeh Powders, 2 In Koo statuettes, 3 pieces of Chin Aathan Bone Pieces 14 Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap enchanted wealth attracting gemstones (2 in front face, 12 in rear face), and a small Glass Phial of Nam Man Prai Tang Glom Necromantic Serum inserted in the rear face from Kroo Ba Swatu Jao Ing (Pra Ajarn Rit Chai), otherwise lovingly known by the Lanna style Monk’s Nickname of ‘Dtu Ing’, of Wat Intra Taep in Chiang Mai (Wat In Taep).

The front face features a Northern Lanna Style carved image of Paya Khao Kham Golden Horned Seductive Demon Deity, an ancient Animist Deity of the Thai Lanna Sorcery Tradition surrounded by his ubiquitous entourage of beautiful Maidens. As Lord and Master, Paya Khao Kam is full of Maha Amnaj (commanding power and influence) over his entourage.

Closeup Image of Paya Khao Kam Kroo Ba Dtu Ing

Closeup Image of Paya Khao Kam Kroo Ba Dtu Ing

This large Ongk Kroo Paya Khao Kam amulet is an extreme limited series Ongk Kroo Masterpiece Version amulet, hand carved and embellished with exquisitely detailed colored front face, with 2 red Ploi Sek Gemstone inserts. The amulets were released in a small limited edition of traditional Lanna Amulets, which adhere to the Ancient Wicha Lanna Methods of Creation and Empowerment, including an extensive invocation of the Wicha Paya Tae Krua..

The rear face has two In Koo Devas of Love statuettes, three pieces of Necromantic Chin Aathan bone pieces of a Hoeng Prai Ghost, 2 Takrut Spells and 12 Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Gemstones inserted into Black Maha Sanaeh Sacred Powder Muan Sarn, which is highly resinous through the mixture of herbal saps and prai oils.

Closeup Image of Rear Face of Paya Khao Kam Kroo Ba Dtu Ing

Closeup Image of Rear Face of Paya Khao Kam Kroo Ba Dtu Ing

The Wicha In Koo can also be invoked using Kata, to increase Maha Sanaeh within the amulet.

Pra Kata for Bucha and Synopsis of the In Koo Lanna Amulet.

The Paya Khao Kam is the Pra Khun Phaen Paetch Payatorn of the Lanna tradition). Paya Khao Kam is traditionally pictured in Lanna Mythology as a Man dressed in full rich regalia with a crown bearing two golden horns of plenty. He is embracing a harem of Attractive Ladies.


The rear face of the one eyed coconut shell is filled with powerful Muan Sarn Sacred Powder admixture with 2 Takrut Spells and 12 Enchanted Wealth Attracting Gemstone spells, with twin In Koo Devas of Love statuettes, 3 pieces of Necromantic Chin Aathan Bone pieces from a Hoeng Prai Deva who was Lucky in Gambling and became Rich, and a small glass phial with green Nam Man Prai Tang Glom Necromantic Serum Inserted into the sacred Muan Sarn clay.

The Paya Khao Kam, is a powerful Seduction and Mercy Charm, known for its power to possess many lovers and keep them all happy and fulfilled, to attract admirers, customers and friends. It is highly reputed for its Maha Lap and Maha Pokasap powers. This is of course a reminiscently similar imagery and indeed, similar magical effect as the Khun Phaen Jet/See Nang Lorm Wicha, which also features a Virile Successful Wealthy man (Khun Phaen) of Great Status and Power, encircled by Lovely Maidens.


Kroo Ba Dtu Ing empowered the amulets with the Wicha Paya Khao Kam, and Wicha Khun Phaen Paetch Payatorn. The Wicha invokes immense Maha Sanaeh, Jerajaa, Kaa Khaay, Metta Mahaniyom, Maha Lap, Siang Choke, and Maha Pokasap power, for seductive attraction, Mercy Charm, Convincing Speech, Selling Power, Lucky Fortunes in Life and with Gambling, Lottery or Speculative Market Investments, and Status with Treasure Accumulation


The Paya Khao Kam, is a powerful Seduction and Mercy Charm, known for its power to possess many lovers and keep them all happy and fulfilled, to attract admirers, customers and friends. It is highly reputed for its Maha Lap and Maha Pokasap powers. This is of course a reminiscently similar imagery and indeed, similar magical effect as the Khun Phaen Jet/See Nang Lorm Wicha, which also features a Virile Successful Wealthy man (Khun Phaen) of Great Status and Power, encircled by Lovely Maidens. Thai Lanna Sorcery is a subject you can read about in Ajarn Spencer Littlewood‘s Epublication ‘The Book of Thai Lanna Sorcery


Kata Paya Khao Kam(Paya Tae Krua)

 Pra Rahu Kala Ta Diaw

This large Ongk Kroo Pra Rahu amulet is an extreme limited series Ongk Kroo Masterpiece Version amulet, hand carved and embellished with exquisitely detailed colored front face, 4 Takrut Spells and 8 Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Gemstones inserted into Black Maha Lap Sacred Powder Muan Sarn in the rear face

Pra Rahu Kala Ta Diaw Ongk Kroo Carved 1 Eye Coconut Shell Asura Eclipse God 4 Takrut 8 Ploi Sek Gems Kroo Ba Dtu Ing

Pra Rahu Kala Ta Diaw Ongk Kroo Carved 1 Eye Coconut Shell Asura Eclipse God 4 Takrut 8 Ploi Sek Gems Kroo Ba Dtu Ing

The front face features a Northern Lanna Style carved image of Pra Rahu Asura Deva, swallowing the moon/sun (Eclipse God). The rear face of the one eyed coconut shell is filled with powerful Muan Sarn Sacred Powder admixture with 4 Takrut Spells and eight Enchanted Wealth Attracting Gemstone spells inserted into the sacred Muan Sarn clay. If you feel that your Fate and Horoscope is not Auspicious, then it could be that Pra Rahu is interfering. You can solve this problem by making Bucha offerings to Pra Rahu every Wednesday; Light 10 black incense sticks (‘Toop’ in Thai), and five types of black offerings (e.g. black sticky rice, black jelly grass drink, black semolina or sago pudding and the like).
Black Food Offerings to Pra Rahu

Black Food Offerings to Pra Rahu

Kroo Ba Dtu Ing (Pra Ajarn Rit Chai), is an up and coming Lanna Master who is in his early era of his magickal trajectory, and is continuing the Lanna Wicha Magickal Sorcery traditions and Formulas of his Kroo Ba Ajarn of the Lineage of Wat Intra Taep, and his other Lineage Masters.

The Bua Bang Bai Seductive Deva Amulet has come to be associated with Ajarn Suntorn, for his revival of common knowledge of this very rare, and till recently almost forgotten Maha Sanaeh Wicha for Seduction. Ajarn Suntorn’s Bua Bang Bai amulets are prized as the most powerful Bua Bang Bai of the present Era (of which there are not many to find for comparison, for only a very few masters possess this Wicha).

Mae Nang Prai Bua Bang Bai Lotus Nymph Deva

Mae Nang Prai Bua Bang Bai Lotus Nymph Deva

Only once every few years does Ajarn Suntorn release any amulets, and when he does, the Bua Bang Bai is always expected to be included. His amulets are always special, intensively empowered, and deplete almost immediately due to the small number of limited editions he makes. Now this year Devotees are extremely glad to see some Bua Bang Bai amulets appear, which Ajarn Suntorn has been empowering and preparing for a long time, finally released.

This is a long awaited event, since the depletion of previous editions, and a good 3 years of shortage from this master, who is not interested in mass production, and focused on highly concentrated sacred powders, and powerful lengthy empowerment methods, rigidly adhering to the Traditional Rules and Requirements for Correct and Powerful Applied Magickal Wicha

The Bua Bang Bai were made as Lockets, and were released in 2560 BE after some years of empowerment of the Muan Sarn Powders, and in two different models;

  1. Chak Tong Ongk Kroo Pim A Gold faced locket version, In Koo, 3 Takrut, 3 glass phials (1 Nam Man Prai Gai Daeng Red Cockerel Oil Potion, 1 See Pheung Khiaw waxy potion, & 1 Pong Sanaeh Ya Faed powder filled) 4 Gemstone inserts. The special gold faced ‘Chak Tong Ongk Kroo Pim A’ model was released at a considerably higher price due to the extreme limited numbers, higher concentration of Muan sarn and the addition of the pure concentrated extremely rare, hard to create and empower, and expensive to make Pong Sanaeh Ya Faed Necromantic Powders Flask.
  2. Chak Khaw Ongk Kroo Pim B (white locket face version) – with Nuea Pong Bpatamang Kama Sutra (Mai Hyae Yae) powders, with In Koo Lovers statuette, Nam Man Prai Wan Gai Daeng (red Prai Oil) See Pheung Khiaw (Green Waxy Potion) 2 Takrut, 4 Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap (Enchanted Gemstones) Dtid Pha Hor Sop (Corpse Cloth)
Ajarn Suntorn Phueak Tiang

Ajarn Suntorn Phueak Tiang – Master of the Wicha Bua Bang Bai, and Wicha Na Hnaa Tong Sataan Phaen Din

The Wicha Bua Bang Bai is said to be so powerful in its Maha Sanaeh properties, with the invocation of a Deva whose sexuality is said to be so appealing and enticing, which is why she is depicted as a Bousomous Nymph, with breasts so large that even the Lotus Leaf only barely covers her breasts.

The Wicha Bua Bang Bai and ther name of Ajarn Suntorn have come to go hand in hand with each other in the present Era, as this Master is considered to be the Current Living Master Adept of this Ancient Wicha.

The Bua Bang Bai is full of Maha Sanaeh, Jerajaa, Kaa Khaay, and Metta Maha Niyom type magic, which is ideally intended for going out to seduce and enchant people, in both social, and professional environments, be it for social climbing, attracting lovers, or for professional advancement, sealing business deals with your charming speech, or simply to improve popularity and increase Mercy and Compassion towards you, and recieve a more helpful and friendly attitude from others. As a Love Charm, the Bua Bang Bai Enchantment spell is said to be second to none, but works in a more subtle, merciful and loving manner than the obviously and aggressively forceful Prai Khmer Necromancy.

First made nationally famous by Luang Por Sawai of Wat Bridaram, with his famous Pha Yant Bua Bang Bai, Ajarn Suntorn now holds the highest esteem in the present day of all living Masters for the Wicha Bua Bang Bai.

Below; the famously powerful and extremely rare Pha Yant Bua Bang Bai Yantra Spell Cloth from LP Sawai, of Wat Bridaram.

Pha Yant Bua Bang Bai LP Sawai Wat Bridaram

Pha Yant Bua Bang Bai LP Sawai Wat Bridaram

Kata Bucha Bua Bang Bai

O Dtinno So Taaya Wad-Dta Madt-Dta Ga Ma Ya

Su Su Na Na Raa Cha Dtang Waa Bpup-pPhang Waa Kandang Waa Raa Cha Gu Maa Rii Waa

Raa Cha Gu Maa Ro Waa Id-Thii Yo Waa Taa Ni Yo Waa Aehi Aehi Ka Wa Gam Sae Dti Bpi Su Su Na Na Ima Sa Ming Aa Raa Mae Kae Hae Taewadaa Sukhidtaa Ho Dtu

Locket Chak Tong Bua Bang Bai Lotus Leaf Fairy Ajarn Suntorn Phueak Tiang

Locket Bua Bang Bai Lotus Leaf Fairy Pim A Ongk Kroo Chak Tong Ajarn Suntorn Phueak Tiang

Kata Bua Bang Bai

Intajidt Dtangmaani (Chant 9 Times)

If using for increasing Business Sales, place the Bua Bang Bai in a glass of pure water. The put some of the water on the palm of your hand, and use the rest of the water to spray on your wares.



The Hua Jai Wicha Khayum Khloeng Nuea Pong Chompoo  amulet in pink or purple Hoeng Prai powders) 2 Sariga Birds on front face, with 2 Takrut 2 Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Gemstones, with Jing Jok Koo Mating Geckos on rear face.

Empowered with the formula of the Dtamrab Dtai Hloeng (Burmese Hilltribe Sorcery), from Ajarn Bun Rod, the only known living Looksit of aged sorceror Ajarn Phu Hnan Hyad of the Dtai Hloeng Burmese/Thai Borderland Hilltribe. Ajarn Phu Hyad was an Uncle of Ajarn Bun Rod who moved to Thailand from Burma, and who Ajarn Bun Rod began to learn Magical Wicha from the age of 10 years old.

Hua Jai Khayum Khloeng Paed Saa Dtamrab Dtai Hloeng

Hua Jai Khayum Khloeng Paed Saa Dtamrab Dtai Hloeng – The rear face of the amulet is embedded with 2 Takrut and 2 Ploi Sek Maha Pokasap Enchanted Gemstones, with a pair of entwined mating Geckos embossed within the heart shaped amulet. True ancient Thai Lanna Sorcery from a Master of Thai-Burmese Lanna Wicha of the Lineage of Ajarn Phu Hnan Hyad, and Ajarn Plod.

This leaves Ajarn Bun Rod and a very few Burmese Hilltribe Sorcerors remaining, making it very difficult to find a master who can perform this Wicha, which is centuries old. After having learned many Wicha, Ajarn Phu Hnan said that he had no more to teach, and that his Training was complete. Ajarn Bun Rod then learned many more Wicha from Ajarn Plod, including the Wicha Saa Haek, with its triple blessings, which is imbued within this amulet along with the Wicha Bang Prai and Wicha Dtai Hloeng.

Ajarn Bun Rod Asrom Prawaet Phu Kam

Ajarn Bun Rod Asrom Prawaet Phu Kam

The Hua Jai Khayum Khloeng is empowered to Improve the Power of Attraction and Seduction, Improve Professional Success, Increase Wealth and Promotion, Increase the Fortunes of Professional gamblers and increase sales, and improve professional advancement.


A look at some of the various animist occult charms in the world of Thai Amulets and Thai Occult, to see the grand variation of Wicha contained within the grimoires of Thai Sorcery.

There are many forms of animist charms, ranging from personified effigies to inanimate objects  without the shape of a living being, imbued with a spirit (such as a Takrut made from hide, A piece of Sacred Lek Lai, or a Chin Aathan bone carving).

Below; Takrut Hnang Wua Fa Pa Talay Bor Nam Dtaay – (Hide of a Bull struck by lightning, fall in Water Well + Die) – Gambling Ghost Whisperer – Pra Ajarn Taep Into. 

Takrut Hnang Wua Fa Pa Talay Bor Nam Dtaay - (Hide of a Bull struck by lightning, fall in Water Well + Die) - Gambling Ghost Whisperer - Pra Ajarn Taep Into.

Pra Ajarn Taep Into created the Takrut using Leaden Yantra Foil with Sacred Khom Agkhara Spell inscriptions, wrapped around a piece of Hide from a Bull that was struck by Lightning, also inscribed with yantra spells, and bound with Sorcerous Binding Cords from a Funeral of a Corpse that was a ‘Phii Dtaay Hoeng’ (Died in Unnatural Events).
Phii Dtaay Hoeng are Prai Ghosts that, because of their unexpected death and premature passing into the Spirit World, are quite anguished and have a very high level of Psychic and Magical Powers, which are lent to the Powers within the amulet.

Prai Spirits are prone to show off their psychic powers more often than Celestial devas, which is one of the reasons for the high popularity of Necromantic Charms, for people these days wish for fast and effective results.

Below; Ling Pid Ta Mai Gae Carved closed eyes Pidta Vanora Monkey, by Luang Phu Bpun Tammabalo

Hand carved and inscribed Bucha size Ling Pid Ta Vanora Monkey deity with Pidta Posture (hands covering eyes), empowered with Wicha Hanuman and Wicha Pidta, the statue is hand inscribed with Khom Agkhara and Yantra inscriptions, and incantations, made from Sacred Wood of a Deva inhabited tree, from the Great Luang Phu Bpun Tammabalo of Wat Ban Sangkh in Roi Et. This Bucha item is intended for altar worship or for placement in the office , home or business in a shrine. The statue measures 1.8 Inches wide base x 4.8 Inches High.

Below; Suea Payak Akom Nuea Loha Rom Dam 2559 BE Blessed by Luang Por Foo Wat Bang Samak + Luang Por Chan Wat Bang Bor

Suea Payak Akom Nuea Loha Rom Dam Wat Bang Bor
Himapant Tiger Suea Akom Sorcerous Tiger Loi Ongk Statuette in Nuea Loha Rom Dam Black Oiled Sacred Iron Alloy, with 1,999 amulets made in this particular type of sacred metal. Released in the Payak Pratan Porn Edition Blessed with the Wicha Luang Por Kong and Luang Por Parn at Wat Pratan Porn, by the Wicha Holders, Luang Por Foo (Wat Bang Samak), and Luang Por Chan, (Wat Bang Bor).

Below; Wua Tanu Mai Gae Sacred Arrow Bull Bucha Statue Carved Sacred Wood LP Bpun

Wua Tanu Mai Gae 5 Inches Carved Sacred Arrow Bull Hand Inscribed Sacred Wood Statue Luang Por Bpun
Hand carved and inscribed Bucha size Wua Tanu Sacred Arrow Bull Treasure and Homestead Guardian with Anti Black Magick Powers, empowered with hand made Khom Agkhara and Yantra inscriptions, and incantations, made from Sacred Wood of a Deva inhabited tree, from the Great Luang Phu Bpun Tammabalo of Wat Ban Sangkh in Roi Et. This Bucha item is intended for altar worship or for placement in the office , home or business in a shrine. The statue measures 5 Inches Long x 3 Inches High. Released in the ‘Khlang Raeng Dee’ edition to revere and continue the magical lineage of the Kroo Ba Ajarn Great Forest Masters of the Dhammayut Tradition through which Luang Phu Bpun received his Magical Wicha and Trajectory. The Wua Tanu can be used as a single Bucha item on the altar for prayer and protective magic within the household, and to prevent wealth from diminishing, or you can use various other methods of Wicha Wua Tanu depending on your needs, such as using 4 for the full household protection ritual, or the holy water making ceremony.

Below; Khiaw Gae Palad Suea Carved Tiger amulet LP Sawai Wat Bridaram

Khiaw Gae Palad Suea Carved Tiger amulet LP Sawai Wat Bridaram
Sacred solid Wild Boar’s Tooth carved Palad Khik with Tiger and Sariga Yantra spell Inscriptions, and Carved Tiger on the hilt from Luang Por Sawai, of Wat Bridaram. The Carved Talismanic Animist Charms with their famous and instantly recognisable Hand Inscriptions of Luang Por Sawai, are amongst the most highly sought after and preferred amulets of Luang Por’s Pantheon, and are very rare to encounter.

This exhibit is carved from a Wild Boars Tusk into the shape of a Palad Khik Lingam with a Tiger seated on the hilt of the Lingam. The tusk is not just any old Boars Tusk, rather, ‘Khiaw’ Dtan’. Khiaw Dtan is a tusk that has no hollow inner, which is very rare anomaly, and seen to be powerful magic especially for Kong Grapan Chadtri and Maha Amnaj.

Hnoo Dtok Thang Khaw Sarn 8 Takrut Maha Lap 1 Look Namo Serm Duang – Luang Phu Leng – Wat Nong Gae

Hnoo Dtok Thang Khaw Sarn (Mouse who fell into the Rice Barrel) Maha Pokasap Rap Choke Edition Animist Mercy Charm in Turqoise Muan Sarn Sacred Powders, with 8 Takrut Spells in rear face, with one Look Namo Serm Duang horoscope improvement spell.

In Thai language, the phrase ‘Mouse fell into the Rice Barrel’. is an analogy for a person who is not born into money or higher social standing, but who marries into a wealthy family, and gains great wealth and treasures through the power of seduction. The front face of the amulet features the image of Mice feasting on the overflowing rice barrel. The rear face of the amulet has a mouse perched upon a Chinese style Gold Ingot, partaking of plentiful resources. The rear face is empowered further with a Sacred Look Namo magic Spell insert, with Pokasap and Serm Duang Magic to increase Good Karma and attract Prosperity. Eight silver Takrut scroll spells are inserted into the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders of the rear face.

Below; Look Krok Chamot Akom Nuea Samrit Long Yant Dtem Dtua 2552 BE Necromantic Civet Cat – Kroo Ba Buddha 552 Amulets Made

Look Krok Chamot Akom Necromantic Civet Cat Loi Ongk Statuette – Nuea Loha Aathan (Sorcerous Metallic Alloy) with ‘Yant Khom’ spell inscriptions, from the year 2552 BE, by Luang Phu Kroo Ba Buddha – Wat Nong Wua Kam (Lampun). 552 Made in Nuea Samrit Phiw Rung (Sunrise Tone Brazen Alloy), with Look Krok Powders within the forged effigy.

Luang Phu Kroo Ba Buddha, or, ‘Dtu Jao Dtā’, is a Gaeji Ajarn Master Monk of the Northern Thai Lanna Region. His fame is unusual because he has always tried to remain inconspicuous and quietly reclusive in his temple in the Province of Lampun. His Patipatā (Practice) is of Notable Interest for being direct Lineage with the Great Kroo Ba Srivichai, who is perhaps the Greatest Lanna Master Guru Monk of all time.

You can browse the Amimist Charm Category of the store below, to view the myriad of Animist Charms we have in store, and read all about each different animist charm in their respective writeups

Thai Animist Charms, Deities, Amulets Talismans and Effigies - Thai Occult Items

In Thailand, you can find not only Buddhist Amulets, but also Brahman (Hindu) and Animist magical talismans, charms and totems. This category includes this type of amulet, such as the Hun Payont, Kumarn Tong, Animal Deities, Effigies, and the like.

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Pra Pid Ta Maha Lap LP Bunmee

Presenting a classic, affordable price range, but powerful and high class amulet, the Pra Pid Ta Maha Lap Riak Ngern Tong, wealth attracting sacred powder Buddha with covered eyes amulet (Nirodha Buddha), made from an extremely rich and potent Muan Sarn Sacred Herbal and Puttakun Powder mix, with a large quantity of Sacred Minerals. The rear face features the Sacred Yant Duang, with two silver Takrut inserted into the rear face. The Pra Pid Ta is Good for Metta, Serm Duang, Maha Lap, Klaew Klaad, Kong Grapan, and Maha Pokasap. The amulet comes encased with Waterproof Casing included.

Pidta Luang Phu Bun Mee 2 Takrut Nuea Wan 108

Pidta Luang Phu Bun Mee 2 Takrut Nuea Wan 108


A Classic Puttakun Amulet for Auspicious Buddhist practice, Faith Inspiration and a Sacred Protector and bringer of Blessings. Performing Buddhist prayer Chanting, Alms Giving, Sending of Metta, and Sharing of Merits is the way to Bucha this kind of Buddhakun Amulet.

The Pra Pid Ta is considered to be an amulet with ‘Maha Ud’ and ‘Kong Grapan’ power (invincibility and gun stopping power), but is also made as a wealth bringer, in which case, the amulet will be called ‘Pra Pid ta Maha Lap’. In order to inflect a greater resonance for wealth attraction and auspicious blessings, in addition to the Maha Ud and Kong Grapan magic, ancient artisans sometimes would use the image of the Sangkajjaiyana Buddha of riches and happiness, and carve it in the Pid Ta posture.The Pid Ta amulet is one of the most popular of Thai amulets, and has been made by so very many temples and masters from all Provinces, that it is now classed as ans having its own ‘Benjapakee’ family of classic top five types of Thai Pidta amulets.

Rear Face Pidta Luang Phu Bun Mee 2 Takrut Nuea Wan 108

Rear Face Pidta Luang Phu Bun Mee 2 Takrut Nuea Wan 108



Empowered by Luang Phu Bun Mee in Putta Pisek/Taewa Pisek for this 2555 BE Edition, which included Ruesi Narod as metal Loi Ongk amulets and Bucha statues, Sacred Powder Pra Pid Ta, and Pra Nakprok (with Vishnu Garuda on Rahu rear faces), and some ‘Roop Muean’ Monk coins in various metals.

Above; Luang Phu Bun Mee, Wat Ban Glum Yaso

Pra Pid Ta Luang Phu Bun Mee 2 Silver Takrut Nuea Wan 108

Pra Pid Ta Luang Phu Bun Mee 2 Silver Takrut Nuea Wan 108

Always chant the Maha Namasakara first (Namo Tassa) before any other Kata for amulets are chanted;

How to Chant Namo Tassa and the triple refuge

Special Kata for Thai Amulets

Bot Phae Metta – Dedication of Merit and Prayer for Metta


Pra Pid Ta is also known as Pra Kawambadee

Kata Pra Kawambadee

(This Kata is for increasing ones wealth and belongings and good fortune);

Namo Puttassa Kawambadtissa Namo Tammassa Kawambadtissa Namo Sangkassa Kawambadtissa Sukha Sukha Warang Na Mo Puttaaya Ma A U Tugkhang Anijjang Anatta Jewa

Kata Pra Pakawambodee (Pra Pidta)

Tamma Jaggang Bpatang Sudt Dtawaa Puch Chidt Dtawaa Adt Dtang Bpatang Sandtigae Arahaa Laapo Logaanang Hidtagaranaa Pandtae Pawam Bpadtinaama Dtisulokae Subpaagadto Prahma Budt Dto Mahaa Thaero Araho Chaedtago Muni Bpidt Dti Thaero Samo Inta Kantappaa Asuraa Taewaa Saggo Prahmaa Pi Bpuchidto Na Mo Put Tas Sa Kawam Bpadtissa Na Mo Tammassa Kawam Bpadtissa Na Mo Sangkassa Kawam Bpadtissa Sukhaa Sukha Warang Tammang Tammajagga Bpawarang Warang

Thailand Amulets presents another compiled video slideshow of some of the many amazing amulets added in March and Early April 2018, to Thailand-Amulets.Net And to our sister store and afilliates at Ancient Amulet and Buddhist Amulet The video presents a host of amulets from all affiliated stores, with a plethora of different kinds of amulets ranging from ancient classics, to modern era popular amulets of present day masters, with powers ranging from from Maha Sanaeh, Metta Maha Niyom, Maha Lap, Maha Pokasap, Klaew Klaad, Kong Grapan Chadtri, Gae Aathan, Serm Duang, Serm Yos, Siang Choke, and Raksa Roke. There are new amulets added for enchantment, seduction, good Karma, good business, promotion, protection against black magick and deadly dangers, gambling, love and passion..

We have lot more wonderful amulets to add in the rest of April and May, which we hope will be of great interest to you, along with the Biographies of many of the Monks who make the amulets we present, which are mostly stored on Ajarn Spencer Littlewood’s Monk Biography Website about Thai Guru Monks LuangPhor.Com

Luang Phu Kambu Ayu Wattana Edition Amulets Wat Gut Chompoo

Pra Somdej Song Krut Hlang Roop Muean Ayu Wattana 90 Edition released in 2555 BE Blessed by Luang Phu Kambu. The amulet features a Buddha riding Garuda with Luang Phu on rear face. A Classic and Highly Sought After amulet from the great deceased master monk Luang Phu Kambu Kudtajidto, of Wat Gut Chompoo.

The front face of the amulet bears the classic image of the Pra Somdej Buddha on a three tiered dais, with Paya Krut (Garuda) emblazoned on the dais/Throne of the Buddha, painted gold. A piece of sacred Pratat relic is inserted as Muan Sarn into the chest of the Buddha-Rupa image. The topknot of the Buddha is plump but flared and tapers out before touching the top of the arch. The dais is a ‘Thaan Hmorn’ (cushion shape) throne.


A piece of Sacred Pratat Muan Sarn is inserted within the Sacred Clay of the chest of the Buddha. Luang Phu Kambu was an Arya Sangha whose magic power goes unquestioned, as well as his correct and diligent practice of the Vinaya making his purity an essential aspect of the miracle power of his amulets.

The rear face of the amulet bears the image of Luang Phu Kambu seated in meditative poise and Series Code Stamp embossed to the right of Luang Phu. The name of the edition is embossed on the top with the words ‘Ayu Wattana’.


Below the image of Luang Phu, are the words ‘Luang Phu Kambu Kudtajidto, Wat Gut Chompoo Ubon Rachathani’. A brass Takrut is inserted into the clay of the rear face below the image of Luang Phu Kambu, with his Incantations of protection, mercy and prosperity,

Those who know and revere Luang Phu Kambu, will also have this as another reason, for wearing, believing in, and praying to this amulet. Luang Phu Kambu, has now passed away, and his amulets have entered the extreme collector classification.

We advise collectors and speculators as well as devotees ofLuang Phu, to keep your LP Kambu amulets safely guarded, for they can now only increase in value and become one day sure rarities of high esteem and immense value, and price.

They are now more than ever, beyond doubt as classic amulets, from a great Monk of Purity, and the future of his amulets is assured to be auspicious, long, and higly regarded in the collector scene.

Kata Ārātanā Pra Krueang

Namō Dtassa Pakawadtō Arahadtō Sammā Samputtassa Namō Dtassa Pakawadtō Arahadtō Sammā Samputtassa Namō Dtassa Pakawadtō Arahadtō Sammā Samputtassa

Puttang Ārātanānang Tammang Ārātanānang Sangkang Ārātanānang

Make a Wish/Prayer, and continue with;

Puttang Bprasittimē Tammang Bprasittimē Sangkang Bprasittimē