Pra Kring – Pra Chaiyawat Jadtutat Phanom, in Nuea Loha Rom Dam (Pra Kring), and Nuea Samrit (Pra Chayawat), twin amulet box-set, blessed by the Great Luang Por Koon, in 2555 BE, on the fifth day of the fifth Lunar month of 2555 BE. This was a special date, as it was a triple sacred 5th Lunar occasion, of highly auspicious astrological alignments.
Released for the temple of Wat Jadtutataram in Khon Kaen, by Luang Por Koon, in his usual fashion of raising funds to help other temples in need. A very rare and Classic Pra Kring – Pra Chaiyawat Thai Buddhist Heirloom Amulet set to keep and pass on down to your family lineage, for long life, wealthy fortunes, good health, anti black magick, and harmony in the household (this only comes when one also makes personal efforts to not argue back at people).
The Pra Kring/Pra Chaiyawat is most definitely an amulet to keep as a Family Heirloom Amulet. This is in fact what Thai Buddhist people do with their Pra Kring, leave them to their descendants, and pass it on as an Heirloom, down through the ages.
The Pra Kring, is believed to bring 12 kinds of blessings to the devotee who wears it, bestowed through the rattling Kring bead within the Pra Kring Medicine Buddha. The Pra Kring Buddha, or ‘Bhaisajyaguru’ is one of Seven Bhaisajayagurus and is said to have two Bodhisattvas under him ‘Pra Suriya Bprapaa Potisat’ (Suriya Bhrapa Bodhksattva), and the Pra Jantra Bprapaa Potisat (Chandra Bhrapa Bodhisattva). This is the root of the Pra Kring Amulet’s legend till now, which was thought up and created in Thailand. It is only made here in Thailand. Of all the other Buddhist countries who revere it, only Thailand is responsible for its making.
The image is normally in the posture of sitting and holding an almsbowl or a Guava, Gourd or a Vajra. This was a Fully enlightened Buddha, who practised Purity of body and mind, and who was a great teacher of Human Beings, who has the Miracle that he who hears his name in passing, or see his image, will be healed, and live a long healthy and prosperous life with wealthy standing.
The use of the Pra Kring amulet as an object of veneration for this particular commemoration is with the intent of bestowing miraculous protection and healing powers of the Medicine Buddha to the devotee, with Serm Duang power for auspicious Karma, and as Buddhanussati (Mindfulness of the Buddha). The beliefs about the Powers of the Pra Kring Wat Bovornives, are that the Pra Kring is the image of Pra Pai Sachaya Kuru (พระไภษัชยคุรุ Bhaisajyaguru, 藥師佛 Yàoshīfó, in Chinese, or in Japanese ‘Yakushi’). Pra Pai Sachaya Kuru (or, ‘Guru) is of course, the Medicine Buddha. The image is normally in the posture of sitting and holding an almsbowl or a Guava, Gourd or a Vajra. This was a Fully enlightened Buddha, who practised Purity of body and mind, and who was a great teacher of Human Beings, who has the Miracle that he who hears his name in passing, or see his image, will be healed, and live a long healthy and prosperous life with wealthy standing.
The Pra Kring Buddha, or ‘Bhaisajyaguru‘ is one of Seven Bhaisajayagurus and is said to have two Bodhisattvas under him ‘Pra Suriya Bprapaa Potisat’ (Suriya Bhrapa Bodhksattva), and the Pra Jantra Bprapaa Potisat (Chandra Bhrapa Bodhisattva). The beliefs about the Powers of the Pra Kring, are that the Pra Kring is the image of Pra Pai Sachaya Kuru (พระไภษัชยคุรุ Bhaisajyaguru, 藥師佛 Yàoshīfó, in Chinese, or in Japanese ‘Yakushi’). Pra Pai Sachaya Kuru (or, ‘Guru) is of course, the Medicine Buddha. The image is normally in the posture of sitting and holding an almsbowl or a Guava, Gourd or a Vajra. This was a Fully enlightened Buddha, who practised Purity of body and mind, and who was a great teacher of Human Beings, who has the Miracle that he who hears his name in passing, or see his image, will be healed, and live a long healthy and prosperous life with wealthy standing. The Pra Kring Buddha, or ‘Bhaisajyaguru’ is one of Seven Bhaisajayagurus and is said to have two Bodhisattvas under him ‘Pra Suriya Bprapaa Potisat’ (Suriya Bhrapa Bodhksattva), and the Pra Jantra Bprapaa Potisat (Chandra Bhrapa Bodhisattva). The Pra Kring in most cases (except in the odd example where Muan Sarn powders prevent the sound, or a Look Namo Copper Slug Seal is used to seal the base), the Pra Kring Bovores most famous amulet, and those of Wat Bovornives especially, for their Royal Sangkaracha Blessing, has a rattling bead inside it. The reason for this rattle sound, made by a sacred bead of Chanuan Muan Sarn or other Relic, is that it is the Name of the medicine Buddha resounding as you pass along your way, Healing and Blessing You with Safety, Health, Prosperity, Metta for Auspicous Friendly Loving Kindness.
Luang Por Koon was famous amongst all Adepts that he was able to empower amulets in a very short time, with quick entry into the necessary meditative states for empowering amulets. The most famous image of Luang Por Koon is of course the image of him squatting smoking a cigar, which was ubiquitous in his early years, bit which he later gave up for health reasons as he became older. He was much loved by Thai Buddhist Folk, for his great acts of Charity and Social Welfare, and his selfless speech and behavior. He spent most of his time in silence, and stillness, conceding to the requests which the Public Beseeched him to help with. The name of Luang Por Koon is perhaps the most famous name around the world, of any monk in living memory.
He is considered by Thai Buddhist People to be an Attained Arahant Monk. His passing has left his Devotees Missing him Dearly, and it is now, more than ever, that his amulets can serve as a remembrance to keep his protective blessings in memory. To revere Luang Por Koon and his amulets, requires and reminds one to keep one’s moral practice, in respect for the great Guru Monk and Kroo Ba Ajarn of Dhamma practice, Luang Por Koon Bparisutto, of Wat Ban Rai. Luang Por Koon is internationally renowned and revered for building at least three hospitals and schools and assisting in funding many other temples, and to the day of his passing, donating to social community aid projects and for the good of the community each day.
He raised massive funds for auspicious projects, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars each month, to help the people of his community. Luang Por Koon was perhaps Thailands Most World famous Monk of all time as far as International Renown goes. His great Humility and down to earth honesty has won the hearts of devotees from around the world, and his Miracle Power goes undoubted with his Devotees. Since his passing away, his amulets have come ever more into focus, and are slowly but surely disappearing from public view, as devotees snap up the amulets of their Kroo Ba Ajarn for posterity and Bucha. Luang Por Koon has passed on from this world now, but his amulets, and their powerful blessings remain for us to connect and pray to Luang Por, and Prosper, Remain Safe, have Long Life, Good Health, Wealth, and Happiness.
Use the Traditional Thai Buddhist Method for Bucha;
1. Chant Maha Namasakara (3 Times)

Namo Dtat-Sa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa, Namo Dtat-Sa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa, Namo Dtat-Sa Pakawa-Dto Araha-Dto Sam-Maa Sam-Put-Dtat-Sa
2. Chant the Trai Soranakom (3 Times)
“Puttang Saranang Kajchāmi, Tammang Saranang Kajchāmi, Sangkang Saranang Kajchāmi“
3. Chant Kata Aaraatanaa Pra Krueang (3 Times)
Puttang Aaraatanaanang, Tammang Aaraatanaanang, Sangkang Aaraatanaanang
Make Your Wish, Hold it in Your Mind, and Continue with;
Puttang Prasittimae, Tammang Prasittimae, Sangkang Prasittimae