Luang Por Jamlong Wat Chedi Daeng Blessing Takrut Amulets

Two new arrivals of Sacred Thai Takrut Amulets arrived in store today, of great deceased masters. The highly renowned Black Laquered with gold leaf Takrut Kong Grapan Chadtri, and Red laquer with gold leaf cord bound Takrut Metta of Luang Por Jamlong (Wat Chedi Daeng), and a rare example of the famous Chueak Takrut Koo Ud Look Sakot Nuea Dtakua double Takrut with 6 Look Sakot alchemical leaden alloy magic seal beads, on cord belt/necklace, from the Legendary Luang Por Koon, of Wat Ban Rai

Below; Chueak Takrut Koo Ud Look Sakot Nuea Dtakua Luang Por Koon Wat Ban Rai 

Chueak Takrut Koo Ud Look Sakot Nuea Dtakua Luang Por Koon Wat Ban Rai
This Twin Takrut Tone Tong Daeng Compendium Wicha, with 6 Look Sakot Spellbinder beads in Alchemical Leaden Alloy, from the Great Luang Por Koon, of Wat Ban Rai in Nakorn Rachasima, is an early era amulet, and an extremely rare artifact to encounter in any circumstance.

The Takrut are bound to a green Chueak Kart Aew cord belt, as a compendium. The set is comprised of two sacred copper alloy Takrut Tone Yantra Scroll Spells, measuring 3.5 Inches being from a small hand made batch, which were empowered with hand inscriptions and given the individual blessings of one of the Greatest Masters in Living Memory, Luang Por Koo Bparisutto.

Below; Takrut Tone Mad Chueak Long Rak Pid Tong, leaden Takrut Yantra scroll spell wrapped with magical cord binding, black herbal laquer coating and gold leaf blessing, from Luang Por Jamlong, of Wat Chedi Daeng

Takrut Tone Mad Chueak Long Rak Pid Tong, leaden Takrut Yantra scroll spell wrapped with magical cord binding, black herbal laquer coating and gold leaf blessing, from Luang Por Jamlong, of Wat Chedi Daeng

The Takrut was made in two different colours; black for Kong Grapan Chadtri , and also had a red version for Metta Mahaniyom. This is the Black version for Kong Grapan Protection and Invincibility

Below; Takrut Metta Long Rak Chart Pid Tong Luang Por Jamlong Traimas Edition

Takrut Metta Long Rak Chart Pid Tong Luang Por Jamlong Traimas Edition

Below; Luang Por Jamlong Wat Chedi Daeng Blessing a devotee (Looksit) with Kong Grapan Chadtri Magic

Luang Por Jamlong Wat Chedi Daeng Blessing a devotee (Looksit) with Kong Grapan Chadtri Magic