A very special limited edition of small size but highly concentrated muan sarn powder Ruesi amulets made in Wai Kroo Ceremony to the Lersi (Ruesi) Hermit God Paetchalugan, Lord of Engineering and Artisanry, and God of the Master Sorceror, from Luang Por Payungk Tammatinno, of Wat Pha Sak in Sra Buri.
Luang Por Payungk Made the amulets in extreme limited numbers and preferred to leave the sacred muan sarn powders in their most highly concentrated form, and thus decided to press the amulets in Pim Lek small size (2.2 x 2 Cm), to power-pack them with the highest concentration of sacred ingredients, without dilution.

Por Kroo Ruesi Paetchalugan Luang Por Payungk
The amulets were released in various versions for different tastes, preference of type of sacred powders/type of magical influence, and budget. The amulets were also made in their small size so that all people can wear them, men, women and children, in order for all people to be able to wear and benefit from the protection and auspicious lucky blessings of Por Phu Ruesi Paetchalugan. This version is an Ongk Kroo in Nuea Maha Wan Sabu Luead Pasom Pong Rae Lek Nam Pi, with Civara Monk Robe, Rae Khiaw Hanuman, and PLi Dam, and has strong leanings towards wealth attraction and seductive influence in its admixture.
Among the many muan sarn ingredients used for the making of this edition included; Wan SabuRae Lek Nam Pi (Lek Lai related metal ore powders), Pong Bpathamang Pong Ittijae, Rae Hin Khiaw Hnoo (Rat Tooth Mineral Ore), Pong Rae Lek Lai Jet See (7 colored Lek Lai powders), Jiworn (Jivara Monk Robe strip), Rae Gaew Jakkapat Imperial Crystals, Monk Hairs of LP Payungk, Pong Paeng Pra Ruesi sacred talc, and other ingredients.
The edition wa released as follows; 1. Chud Nam Reuks (inscribed and blessed in the ceremony one by one per hand), combining three amulets in one set, of which only 88 sets were made, composed of one Pim Wat Sabu Luead with Gold Takrut, one in Black Din Kakyayaks earths with silver Takrut, and one white model in Pong Bpathamang and Pong Ittijae with Bronze Takrut. 2. Nuea Wan Sabu Luead red-brown powders with Gold Takrut & Pong Lek Nam Pi (only 9 made). 3. Nuea Wan Sabu Luead Pasom Pong Lek Nam Pi Solid Silver Takrut (99 made).
4. Nuea Wan Sabu Luead Pasom Pong Lek Nam Pi Bronze Takrut (392 made). 5. Nuea Din Kakyayaks black powders with Solid Gold Takrut (only 9 made). 6. Nuea Din Kakyayaks black powders with Solid Silver Takrut (99 made). 7. Nuea Din Kakyayaks black powders with Bronze Takrut (392 made). 8. Nuea Pong Bpathamang Ittijae with Solid Gold Takrut (only 9 made). 9. White Nuea Pong Bpathamang with Pong Ittijae with Solid Silver Takrut (only 99 made). 10. Nuea Pong Bpathamang Ittijae with Bronze Takrut (only 735 made).
11. Special Wan 108 with silver powder coating and double silver Takrut with Ploi Dam black gems and Khiaw Hanuman crystals embedded, with Jivara robe attached, which were only distributed to sponsors, as well as 500 white Pong Bpathamang/Ittijae models with Hanuman Tooth crystals and Jivara robe were handed out to devotees during the ceremony, which had a very large attendance.
In Thailand there are also various legends of “Pu Wised”, or Lersi , Arahants or Yogis. These Lersi are said to have possessed various powers, such as Knowledge of herbal medicines, minerals, magical invocations, and supernatural abilities, such as Levitation, Teleportation, Alchemy, and Mind Reading. These beings with special powers are reputed to live reclusive lives in the forest, on mountains, and in caves. They Practice Meditative skills and mental development, using secret methods passed on from mouth to ear by their lineage mentors. If you Bucha the Ruesi properly, you will find success in all your projects and attain wealth, Health and Happiness.
Luang Por Payungk is the continuance of the Lineage Wicha of his Kroo ba Ajarn Luang Por Hwan of Wat Dork Mai, and Luang Phu Nai, of Wat ban Jaeng (Master of the number one Jing Jok gecko amulets of all time).
Kata to ask for the blessings of the Ruesi;
Om dtwa mewamaadtaa ja bpidtaa dtwa mewa dtwa mewa pantusaja sakhaa dtwa mewa dtwa mewa witayaa tarawinam dtwa mewa dtwa mewa sarawam ma ma tewa tewa
Kata Bucha Ruesi Paetchalugan
Om Ma A U Mahidtigaa Dtaebpi Dtumhae Anuragkhandtu Arokayaena Sukhaena Ja Mahaa Dtaecho Mahaa Laapo Nachaa Leedti Aehi Jidt-Dtang Bpiyang Ma Ma
โอม มะอะอุ อะหังนุกา วิษณุกรรมเทวา มหิตธิกาเตปิ ตุมเห อนุรักขันตุ อะโรตะเยนะ สุเขนะจะ มหาเตโช มหาลาโภ นะชาลิติ เอหิจิตตัง ปิยังมะมะ
Kata Bucha Kroo Paetchalugam
Om Leu-Ler Leu-Ler Paetchalugan Kidtaa Dtumhae Bpari Punchandtu Na Mo Put Taa Ya Ya Taa Put Mo Na Na Chaa Lii Dti Lii Dti Na Chaa Na Ma Pa Ta Ta Pa Ma Na Bprasittimae (and make your wish).
Keep the amulet on the Altar or on a ‘Pan Kroo’ (elevated tray) before the Altar when not wearing it.
Worshipping the Ruesi brings a full range of blessings and protective magic of the Boroma Kroo and the Immense Power and Protection of the 108 Ruesi Hermit Sages. Kong Grapan, Klaew Kaad, Gae Aathan, Gan Kun Sai, Choke Lap, Kaa Khaay, Metta Mahaniyom, Serm Duang, Maha Sanaeh. All of these blessings are given with the practice of revering and following the Ruesi Devas.
In Thailand there are also various legends of “Pu Wised”, or Lersi , Arahants or Yogis. These Lersi are said to have possessed various powers, such as Knowledge of herbal medicines, minerals, magical invocations, and supernatural abilities, such as Levitation, Teleportation, Alchemy, and Mind Reading. These beings with special powers are reputed to live reclusive lives in the forest, on mountains, and in caves. They Practice Meditative skills and mental development, using secret methods passed on from mouth to ear by their lineage mentors. If you Bucha the Ruesi properly, you will find success in all your projects and attain wealth, Health and Happiness.
The Lersi, or also known as ‘Ruesi’, are the holders of the Great Kampira Grimoires, and Magical Wicha of the Dtamra Saiywaet, and are the Root Guru Masters of the Magical Tradition in Buddhist Thailand. Lersi Deva Hermit Gods are Revered in Thailand under the Name ‘Por Gae’. Por Gae defends these ‘Wicha’ etheral knowledges from both the ignorant who wish to destroy them, as well as the ignorant not ready to learn them.
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Lersi commands respect and gives knowledge to those ready to accept the power that comes with the Lersi Path. Worshipping the Ruesi brings a full range of blessings and protective magic of the Boroma Kroo and the Immense Power and Protection of the 108 Ruesi Hermit Sages. Kong Grapan, Klaew Kaad, Gae Aathan, Gan Kun Sai, Choke Lap, Kaa Khaay, Metta Mahaniyom, Serm Duang, Maha Sanaeh.
The Lersi being Serm Duang (invoke an auspicious fate and destiny, horoscope). Most traditional Lersi respect the Pantheon of Higher Beings according to the Brahmin tradition. Namely; Lord Brahma Shiva and Vishnu. Most Lersi practice the development of power and evocation/invocation(Peng Kasin). The word ‘Peng’, means in principle, to “stare”, but in this case, it really means to insert, or transform matter or substance, whether it be physical element, or a spiritual element.
It requires somewhat more effort to practice revering the Ruesi, than to wear an amulet, because the practice of Revering Ruesi is a regular applied practice and you must think that the Ruesi are always with you, and that one lives and behaves as a Looksit of the Ruesi Boroma Kroo Por Gae. It is thus a practice of Bucha which must be kept to and maintained in proper Ritual Manner. the Ruesi Kroo Deities, are essential to have as Bucha Item for those who indeed themself practice Ruesi-Ism, Yoga, Meditation, Herbalism, Minerology, and magical Practices, such as Incantation or Amulet and Talisman making.
Meditation practitioners recieve extra blessings from the Ruesi, for Meditation is the primary practice of the Ruesi himself, and those who revere and practice the Science/Arts of Ruesi-ism, will attain great advancements in their meditations by studying and practicing the way of the Ruesi as a way of life.