Paetch Payatorn Nang Lorm Deity palad Bucha size statuette – LP In Khematewo – Wat Nong Meg (Surin). Powerful Bucha for Business Persons, Sales Persons, Partner seekers, promotion, popularity..
Made from Nuea Samrit (Bronze) the Paetch Payatorn Deity has proved to be one of the Wicha which Luang Phu In has attained ultimate Mastery in, after repeated extreme success with those who rented and revered his previous editions of Paetch Payatorn amulets. This time, with the creation of the Phallic Paetch Payatorn Deity in conjunction with the Nang Lorm Deva, using the most Magical Ancient Metals, and Khmer artifacts for this most powerful of Khmer Maha Sanaeh Wicha. The amount of magic condensed within this Paetch Payatorn Bucha statuette is immense, and easily sensed when grasped in the hand, even by less sensitive mediums.
The tail of the Paetch Payatorn enticingly encircles the Nang Lorm Deva, with a sensual, graceful gesture, to which the Nang Lorm reacts with a display of pleasure on her face.
Luang Phu In gave the Paetch Payatorn Nang Lorm Rap a long period of solo empowerments with incantations in his Kuti and then finally a mass empowerment in Puttapisek/Tewapisek ceremony.
The Nang Lorm deva is laying on top of the back of Paetch Payatorn, her arms encircle his torso, hands grasping under his belly, as if to caress his sexual organ, which is just out of reach.
Paetch Payatorn Deity Info Page
Size; 5.5 Cm wide, 3.8 Cm high and 2Cm deep
Made, empowered, blessed and released in 2554 BE
Om Sivaling Naam Waa Pra Paetch Payatorn Kuay Ngaam Bpen Neung Grapong Ngaam Bpen Sorng Dtua Ngaam Bpen Saam Kwaam Ngaam Bpen See Kwaam Dee Bpen Haa Tan Jong Sadaeng Rittaa Nai Daan sanaeh Maedttamahaniyom Chay Hen Chay Hlon Hying Hen Rak Krai Sanaehaa Eeg Tang Choke Laap mang Mee Aehi Ma Maa Khamaa Mihang
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Siri Pokaa Namaa Sayo Pawandtumae Nachaa Li Dti
Download Sound Tutorial of Kata Paetch Payatorn (Short Version for calling Wealth and Possessions)

Luang Phu In Khemataewo – Wat Nong Meg (Surin) – Master of Wicha Khmer – Maha Sanaeh Metta Choke Lap. As he was still a young man, he was already a Master of Wicha Maha Sanaeh (attraction and riches charm). As a layman he loved to practice Maha Sanaeh magic. When he ordained, because his inclination was to make amulets, he sought out a dozen or more great masters to teach him their various Wicha…….