Sacred holy wooden magic wand with handmade inscriptions of magic invocations in Ancient Khom.
Sacred Holy Tree Wood magic wand blessed by Luang Por Prohm of Wat Ban Suan – Inheritor of the book of sorcery of the great Luang Por Kong, & Master Of the Dtamnak Dtak Sila Khao Or Southern Academy of Sorcery .

Sacred holy wooden magic wand with handmade inscriptions of magic invocations in Ancient Khom
Sacred Wands For invocations, evoking, Making holy prayer water, and blessings. Luang Por Prohm of Wat Ban Suan (Pattalung) has inscribed Khmer spells upon the shaft of the hand carved holy wooden wand, and performed the Invocations of the Lineage of the Kroo Ba Ajarn. This one is handcarved and inscribed taken from a Sacred Holy tree believed to be inhabited by a elemental Deity or, Deva.
These ones were made along with various other amulets in this series, but it is the Magic wands and scepters, sacred water bowls and the sacred Lek Lai Kaya Siddhi elemental substance, along with ritual knives and daggers, and all forms all the Dragon, and Naga snake amulets, for which this Guru Master is notoriously famous for.

Authentic hand inscription from Luang Por Prohm
Luang Por Prohm’s Wicha Are indeed many fold, For he has mustered many different forms of magic spells invocations and mastery of elemental magic and forces.
Developing his psychic powers and practicing The path of Kammathana forest tradition Buddhism, Developing his meditative skill with the Practice all of Vipassana.
Luang Por Prohm Has truly mastered a large array of different forms of sorcery and ways of invoking and inviting Devas, and spirits, to dwell within the various forms of animals and deities, and other effigies which Luang Por Prohm Has learned to master, and control.
Few masters and temples these days produce ritual ceremonial instruments for use of the common people and the active practitioner and lay devotee. It is only in the last 30 years that Thai people have begun to adopt the various various practices, which were in the olden days reserved for the use of High Ceremony, Performed by ordained Masters Be they Brahman lay masters or ordained Bhikkus
The Dtamnak Dtak Sila Khao Or Southern Academy of Sorcery, is perhaps the most famous and long standing lineage of Occult practice that is still alive and kicking to this day, and has a large array of truly adept masters under its list of members, past and present. There is no lineage more famous respected or feared for its truly powerful sorcery, as the Dtamnak Dtak Sila Khao Or.
The wands where available in various different kinds of sacred wood, which had been collected and donated to Luang Por Prohm.
After this particular edition, Luang Por Prohm Has released also another series of Mai Kroo Dtapot which are more luxuriously decorated For ceremonial purposes as well as practical purposes they differ from the previous edition in the sense that, The first edition is very much more simply made, and left to mother nature to perform its magic along with the Sacred Muan Sarn Which is used to fill the interior all of the Mai Kroo. Those who seek more impressive looking ceremonial instruments, would perhaps be recommended to look for the later edition, but those who are very much into natural magic and elemental magic would be more recommended to utilize the previous edition described above.

Mai Kroo Paya Ngiw Dam – Magic Wand Hand Carved from Black Paya Ngiw Dam Holy Wood